
Why Do My Eyes Hurt

why do my eyes hurt
Your eyes are one of your 5 sense organs, taking care of them is very important. But sometimes you feel a lot of pain and burning in your eyes. The biggest reason for having pain in your eyes is that you work continuously on the screen of your mobile or laptop and this probably causes panting in your eyes. However, this is not the only reason, apart from this, there is a lot of reason for having pain in the eyes. Here we mentioned the different types of pains in the eyes their symptoms and treatments.

Dry Eye

If tear production in someone’s eyes is reduced, or if the tears in the eyes evaporate too quickly, then the eyes will lack moisture and it will become dry. It is very important to have moisture in the eyes, this moisturizer acts as a coated layer in your eyes. Antibodies are present in the tear secretion, this secretory antibodies or coated layer protect your eyes from dust and infection. Basically, tears are produced by tear glands.

Symptoms: Dry Eye

    • If your eyes are dry, you may feel a burning sensation. Your eyes turn red.
    • Itching can also occur in the case of dry eyes.
    • If the light falls directly into your eyes, you will not be able to bear it.
    • The problem of dry eyes can be more in older people, and it can also lead to major diseases like total blindness.

Dry Eye: Causes

Reduced tear production in the eyes or evaporation of tears from the eyes.
    • With increasing age, there may be a problem of dry eyes pain due to less production of tear
    • In the case of women, taking birth control pills or contraceptive pills can cause dry eyes.
    • A dry eye can be a problem in case of allergies.
    • Dry eye can occur in case of some medications like- Kidney, thyroid, acne, and high blood pressure.
    • If you live in such a place from which a lot of air gets into your eyes, then the tears evaporate from it.
    • Dry eyes can occur even if the environment has less moisture.
    • Eye dryness can also occur if someone has a problem with blinking eyes.
    • Inflammation can also cause dry eyes.

Dry Eye: Treatments

There is no cure for dry eye but symptoms can be avoided.
    • You can wear protective specs to avoid dry eyes.
    • You can use artificial tears, problems like dry eyes can be avoided with artificial tears.
    • Dry eyes are also caused by vitamin A deficiency. For this, you can eat vitamin A-rich foods and take tablets.
    • If you live in a dry environment, then you can use a humidifier for this.
    • Heat compression also gives great relief to the eyes


Just as there is pressure in your body, in the same way, there is pressure inside the eyes, when this pressure increases, the veins behind your eyes start getting pressed, which reduces your side veins. And this pressure is called glaucoma.

Glaucoma: Causes

    • Heredity:-People whose parents have this disease increase the chances of getting glaucoma.
    • The risk factor of glaucoma is much higher in diabetic patients.
    • Chances of glaucoma increase after an eye injury
    • Long-term use of steroids increases the chances of glaucoma

Symptoms: Glaucoma

    • If you see a different or yellowish color of light, it could be a glaucoma symptom.
    • Blurred vision is a sign of glaucoma.
    • If you have a lot of headaches then it is a symptom of glaucoma.
    • When the pressure on the eyes increases too much, there is redness in the eyes, which is a sign of glaucoma.

Glaucoma: Treatments

If detected early, it can be controlled immediately and further damage can be prevented and vision can be preserved by the following:-
    • Once the Glaucoma Medications started, it did not stop. You should always take glaucoma medications on the advice of a doctor.
    • You should not try any kind of medication in case of glaucoma without a doctor’s advice.
    • Laser treatment can also reduce the pressure inside the eyes. And at the same time, the drop dependency can also be reduced.
    • In many cases, laser treatment does not work, so a surgical operation has to be done in such cases. Glaucoma surgery is a modern surgery performed to keep the pressure under control by a particular procedure.

Optic Neuritis

Optic neuritis is a condition in which your optic nerve becomes swollen. The optic nerve is inflamed by Myelin, a fatty subsequent that covers the nerve. It helps to carry visual information from the eyes to the brain. If this myelin gets damaged by inflammation, then you may lose sight in both eyes for some time.

Optic Neuritis: Causes

    • Schilder’s disease:-The Schilder disease is related to the central nervous system, due to which optic neuritis can be caused.
    • Sarcoidosis: – This is a disease in which inflammation occurs in the tissues and organs of the body, which can become the cause of optic neuritis.

Symptoms: Optic Neuritis

    • If you have a headache, or you wake up in the morning, you feel dizzy. If your eyes become dark for a few seconds, then it is a symptom of optic nerve disease.
    • Apart from this, you feel that your eyesight is suddenly decreasing or you can see some dark spots in front of your eyes.
    • Feeling of loss of light in one or both eyes and changes in pupil reaction to bright light.
    • You have pain in moving your eyes. Pain in the eyeball.
    • If you have symptoms of these lines then you should see your ophthalmologist.

Optic Neuritis: Treatments

    • Usually, vision loss is just transient. It typically gets better on its own over a few weeks or months, so treatment may not be necessary. However, in some situations, eyesight loss might be permanent.
    • Doctors can prescribe steroids if the symptoms are severe, such as when both eyes are damaged. Long-term steroid use, however, may cause adverse consequences like excessive blood sugar, weight gain, and bone issues.

Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis

Inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva (the membrane found in the eyes) is called conjunctivitis. Usually, your eyes turn red and your eyes get pain in this condition, hence it is also called pink eye. The conjunctiva is a membrane that keeps the sweat part of our eye and the inner surface of the spinach (old) in a straight line. Its main function is to protect the eyes as well as give them moisture. When this protection is disrupted, conjunctivitis occurs. Pink eye can be divided in three ways:-
  1. Infectious conjunctivitis
  2. Allergic conjunctivitis
  3. chemical conjunctivitis
Viral conjunctivitis is the common cause of infected conjunctivitis. Apart from this, bacterial, fungal, or protozoal conjunctivitis can also occur. The most common cause of allergic conjunctivitis is an allergy to dust or pollen.

Pink Eye: Symptoms

    • Usually, In all types of conjunctivitis, the eye becomes red, apart from this, different symptoms can be found in various conjunctivitis.
    • As in viral conjunctivitis, the eye becomes red, and the eye may water.
    • In bacterial conjunctivitis, the eyes can become red along with pus or mucus that sticks to the eye.

Pink Eye: Treatments

    • Conjunctivitis usually doesn’t require treatment because the symptoms normally go away within a few of weeks. The kind of treatment required, if any, will depend on the cause. Antibiotic eye drops can be used to treat the infection when it is severe.
    • Irritant conjunctivitis will go away as soon as the cause is dealt with.
    • Anti-allergy medications, such as antihistamines, are usually effective in treating allergic conjunctivitis. You should try to stay away from the item that caused the allergy.
    • It is preferable to wait until the symptoms have subsided before wearing contact lenses. The eyelids and lashes can be cleaned with cotton wool and water if they have any sticky or dusty deposits.
    • It can be stopped from spreading by constantly washing your hands and avoiding sharing towels or pillows.


One of your most important senses is sight because it represents 80% of all information we take in. By taking care of your eyes, you will lower your risk of becoming blind and losing your eyesight which can become major conditions like glaucoma and cataracts. Also Read: Why do my teeth Hurt Why does my stomach hurt when I wake up Bone Spur on Top of the Foot
Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
