
Bone Spur on Top of the Foot

bone spur

The growth of bones is called bone spurs or osteophytes. Cartilage is present in the middle of the bones for your walking movement so that you can move easily. If this cartilage is damaged due to an injury, then the gap between the two bones gets closed and movement becomes difficult. The body tries to repair that part because of the damage. As a result, a small part of the bone starts growing.

It does not develop any signs and symptoms under normal conditions. If it starts creating pressure on your muscles or nerves, then its symptoms start developing. A bone spur is caused due to foot injury, obesity, or due to wearing tight shoes.

Symptoms of Bone Spur

Bone spurs do not cause symptoms in most cases, but some people have pain in the body, it depends on the human body as well as varies from person to person. They can cause your fingers to become a little hard, so you may notice them if they develop around the joints of your fingers. Only 40% of adults 60 and older will suffer symptoms of bone pain that are uncomfortable. The following are other signs of bone spurs on the foot:

  • Inflammation and hardness
  • Difficulties in walking or standing
  • If you have joint pain due to an injury, it could be a symptom of a bone spur.
  • If you have stiffness or discomfort when you bend or move your joints, it could mean that a bone spur is putting pressure on your nerves. Along with this, you may have weakness or burning in your hands, and feet.
  • Small bumps in fingers or muscle weakness.
  • If the bone spur puts pressure on the nerves, it can be difficult to control your urine or bowels.

Causes of Bone Spur

  • Age

The risk of bone injury increases with increasing age. With increasing age, cartilage also begins to break down. So increasing age is also a risk factor for having a bone spur. Yes, if you take good care of your body, and give yourself the proper amount of nutrients, and fiber, then you will be less likely to grow it.

  • Obesity

Excess weight puts more pressure on your feet and bones. As a result, it can cause rapid breakdown of your cartilage.

  • Physical Activity

Moving your body and making the body active is very good for your health. But exercising too many turns or putting more stress on your feet can cause more bone problems.

  • Tight Shoes

Wearing tight shoes is a risk factor for getting bone spurs. Tight shoes can put pressure on your toes, which can lead to bone spur problems.

Prevention from bone Spur

If bone spurs are a result of arthritis they are usually avoidable. But you can take the following actions to prevent bone spurs brought on by other factors.

  • Losing weight makes you feel light. Also,  less weight puts light pressure on your knees and bones. In addition, by being weight-managed, your bone spur chances are less. If you also do 30 minutes of daily exercise for weight loss, then it helps in reducing your calories. Apart from this, you should consume healthy food balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D vegetables, fruits, and grains.
  • You should wear comfortable shoes on your feet. You should not wear too tight or too loose shoes. Also, if your feet have an ache, you should wear shoes extra padding shoes.
  • To maintain your bones strong, do some weight-bearing activities like stair climbing or walking.

If you have any symptoms of joint difficulties, such as pain, swelling, or stiffness, consult your doctor. If the bone spur hurts a little, then you can take medicine from the doctor in that case. If the swelling or pain increases, the doctor may give you steroid injections. Early diagnosis and treatment of arthritis may be able to stop the damage that causes bone spurs.


Extremely painful bone spurs can limit your mobility or affect your daily life. Most bone spurs are treatable with simple techniques such as rest, ice, orthotics, physical therapy, and anti-inflammatory medication. Call a medical specialist if you’re experiencing foot discomfort and believe you may have a bone to prevent survival complications.

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Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
