
Isabgol (Psyllium) And Its Benefits

Isabgol (Psyllium) and its benefits

Psyllium is the natural plant name for Isabgol. After reading this you will amaze to know that it has many health benefits. It is a highly soluble fibre obtained from the seeds of Plantago ovata (Isabgol). Isabgol is the common name for psyllium seed husk. It contains 70% soluble fibre and hence acts as a bulk-forming laxative. Isabgol’s effectiveness is determined by your individual health needs and how you consume it.

About Isabgol plant

Isabgol plant
  • Family: Plantaginaceae
  • Spogel seeds and Blond psyllium are English names.
  • Snigdhabijah and Snigdhajirakah are Indian names in Sanskrit.
  • Isabgol and Isabgul (Hindi)
  • Iskol, Isphogol (Tamil)
  • Species : Plantago ovata

India, West Asia, Pakistan, Persia, Mexico and the Mediterranean Regions are the countries where it is found.

India is the world’s largest producer and exporter of this crop.

It is a cash crop grown in Gujarat, Punjab, and Uttar Pradesh. Experimental Bangalore cultivation has proved that this crop grows well and produces a high yield comparable to Gujarat’s traditional areas.

The seed husk is used to treat gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract mucus membrane inflammation, chronic constipation, dysentery, duodenal ulcers, piles, gonorrhoea, and ulcers

It is also used in textiles, setting lotions, and the food industry.

Medicinal properties

  • Diuretic, non-habit forming laxative
  • Cooling and nourishing
  • Anti-inflammatory, expectorant, and antitussive properties
  • Antihyperglycaemic, Reduces the absorption of blood sugar
  • Anti-peptic ulcer, anti-dysenteric, and anti-oxidant properties
  • Lowering bad cholesterol
  • Lowering Blood pressure 
  • Lipid reduction
  • Maintains and restores bowel regularity
  • Colon cleansing

Health benefits of Isabgol

As a source of soluble fiber, psyllium slows digestion. This allows your body to absorb more nutrients from your food as it passes through the stomach and intestines.

Isabgol health benefits

Protecting Heart

It helps the body absorb more water-soluble fatty substances. It frequently attacks and breaks down cholesterol in the body, which is then flushed out. Isabgol’s fibre content limits the amount of fat in the blood and protects the heart. Isabgol also helps to prevent heart attacks by lowering serum cholesterol levels.

Helpful in Constipation

Isabgol helps to relieve constipation because it is high in fibre and adds bulk to the stool due to its Guru (heavy) nature. In addition, because of its mild Rechana (laxative), nature stimulates intestinal contractions and peristaltic movements, allowing for easy stool expulsion.

How to use

  • 1-2 teaspoons for adults 1-2 times per day, with a glass of water, milk, or curd
  • Half teaspoonful for children 1-2 times per day, with a glass of water, milk, or curd

Beneficial in Piles

Isabgol is helpful for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Chronic constipation causes haemorrhoids. Isabgol contains a lot of fibre. Therefore, it helps in the absorption and retention of water. However, it also causes the stool to become bulky, soft, and easy to pass. As a result, Isabgol treats chronic constipation, which can lead to piles. It also reduces the congestion and bleeding caused by haemorrhoids.

Detoxification and Weight loss

Isabgol improves digestive system activity by increasing gut motility. It happens when the hygroscopic husk binds to the waste in the colon. It cleanses the colon and detoxifies the body. Just before combined with water before meals, it reduces fat and calorie consumption. Because of its Guru (heavy) nature, isabgol helps to control obesity because it is high in fibre and helps to clean the colon and remove toxins from the body that cause obesity.

Control High Cholesterol 

It can help people with high cholesterol lower their cholesterol levels. Isabgol lowers cholesterol levels. It increases the breakdown of bad cholesterol and decreases its absorption.

Control diarrhoea 

Isabgol controls diarrhoea by absorbing water from the digestive system and producing bulk, which thickens the stool due to its Guru (heavy) nature. In case of diarrhoea, take Isabgol with curd.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Because of its Guru (heavy) nature, isabgol aids in treating irritable bowel syndrome by adding volume to the stool and absorbing extra water. In addition, because of its Sita (cold) nature, it also adds a layer of protective lining to the stomach’s inner side, which helps reduce hyperacidity.

Helps to prevent Ulcerative colitis

It balances Vata and Pitta, and isabgol is beneficial in cases of inflammatory bowel disease. Due to its Guru (heavy) nature, Isabgol helps add to the waste and absorbs extra water, allowing for easier stool movement and controlling the frequency of motion. In addition, because of its Sita, it also helps to prevent intestine inflammation (potency). 

Sugar control 

It is useful in the treatment of diabetes. Psyllium reduces the sudden rise in blood glucose levels after meals. Psyllium also increases the absorption of other diabetes medications, such as metformin, and improves their glucose-lowering properties.

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Benfits of Isabgol for Skin

Treats Pimples and acne

Isabgol is effective in treating skin problems such as acne and pimples. According to Ayurveda, an increase in Kapha causes increased sebum production and pore clogging. In both blackheads and whiteheads form. Another factor, an increase in Pitta, causes red papules (bumps) and pus-filled inflammation. Applying Isabgol paste helps to control excessive sebum production and unblock pores. Because of its Sita (cold) and Roman properties, it also helps to reduce inflammation and provides soothing effects.

Read More: Chirata (Swertia): Everything you need to know

How to use Isabgol

how to use isabgol

Isabgol Husk Powder 

  • Take 1-2 teaspoons of Isabgol husk powder.
  • Mix it with curd and consume immediately after meals.
  • Use this remedy for effective diarrhoea relief.

Isabgol Husk Powder with water or milk

  • Take out 1-2 teaspoons of Isabgol Husk Powder.
  • Mix with 1 glass of warm water or milk.
  • Consume it before going to bed.
  • Use this remedy for effective constipation relief.
  • Nutritional Value of Isabgol

It contains a lot of fibre. It provides 30–70% insoluble and soluble fibres. The calories in 100 gm of Isabgol are as follows:

5 gm protein
6 gm Fat
2.5 gm saturated fat
75 gm total carbohydrates
30 gm sugar
282 mg sodium
260 mg potassium
50 mg iron
2 mg calcium

Capsule of Isabgol Husk (Psyllium Husk) with water

  • Take 1-2 capsules with warm water before sleeping once or twice a day or after lunch and dinner.

Side effects of Isabgol

  1. Do not consume too much isabgol.
  2. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist before taking isabgol.
  3. Stomach pain, nausea, or vomiting; difficulty swallowing; or a sudden change in bowel habits that lasts more than two weeks.

It is not useful for pregnant or lactating women.


While most people tolerate psyllium husk or Ispaghol well and have few to no side effects, limit your daily consumption to 5-10 grammes (1 tablespoon) thrice a day and take it with plenty of water to avoid gas and bloating.

It contains mainly fibre. It is usually occurs naturally in many foods and as a supplement. Psyllium supplements help with constipation, high cholesterol, IBS symptoms, and diabetes blood sugar control.

It works best with other treatments and preventive measures, such as diet, nutrition lifestyle changes, and medication.

Psyllium supplementation may be beneficial if you don’t get enough fibre in your diet. Make sure to follow the dosage instructions and how much water to drink with them.

Before beginning any supplement diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider.
