
How to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue

how to increase platelet count in dengue

Dengue fever is an Aedes sickness that appears worldwide in tropical and subtropical locations. How to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue. Benign dengue fever is represented by a high temperature and flu-like symptoms. Illness, often known as severe dengue fever, can result in harsh bleeding, a precipitous decrease in blood pressure (surprise), and death.

millions of people become infected with dengue. Many countries like Southeast Asia, the western Pacific islands, America, and Africa are the most affected by dengue fever. However, the illness has spread to other locations, including isolated outbreaks in the southern United States and Europe.

Home remedies are long been using to reduce the severity of many unsafe infections. Some disorders have long-term effects on your health. Some impose discomfort, while others make you quite weak. Your platelet count continues to decline as a result of dengue fever. Dengue reduces blood clot development by turning your blood cells colorless. Thrombocytopenia is a condition indicated by a low platelet count. It can be quite unsafe for your health. As a result, here are natural ways to boost platelet count.


  • Dengue fever is frequently attended with a drop in platelet count. The count begins to decline three days after the beginning of the fever. When a person is infected by the virus by a mosquito bite, the virus ties to white blood cells and then stabs them.

  • After that, they begin repeating inside the cells and circulate throughout the body. White blood cells release messaging chemicals such as cytokines and interferons in reaction to the body’s immunological response, causing symptoms such as fever and acute bodily pain associated with dengue.

  • In severe infections, the viral reproduction rate is greatly boosted, and important organs such as the liver and bone marrow are impacted. Because capillary permeability is higher in tiny blood vessels, fluid leaks past the vessel walls and into the body cavity.

  • Less blood flows through the artery, and blood pressure falls dramatically. Furthermore, bone marrow infection causes a low platelet count, which increases the risk of uncontrollable bleeding since platelets aid in blood clotting following injuries. So know these steps on how to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue



Fruits and Vegetables are high in Micronutrients

Fruits and Vegetables are high in Micronutrients

Organically grown fresh fruits and vegetables are high in micronutrients such as vitamins, particularly vitamin K, which aids in blood clotting, minerals, and so on. There has been discovered to be extremely important for humans. Green leafy foods, dark green vegetables like lettuce and parsley, olives, soybeans, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, tomatoes, and other vegetables have been shown to help raise platelet counts. Oranges and their juice, which are high in folate, are also claiming to boost platelet count. Many individuals believe that eating the unfamiliar New Zealand kiwi fruit helps raise platelet count in the body during dengue illness.



Because vitamin K-rich foods are highly suggested for increasing platelet count, it is preferable to take spinach in some form regularly. Vitamin K also aids in the formation of clots and prevents excessive blood loss from wounds and accidents. You may also eat broccoli and cabbage, which are high in vitamin K. These green vegetables also include folate, which aids in platelet count and cell proliferation. They should not be eaten uncooked or as part of a soup.

Red beet Root

Red beet Root

The deep-red vegetable helps to prevent free radical damage to platelets, which helps to increase the number of platelets. If you want to boost your platelet count rapidly, drink beetroot juice regularly. You can also include beetroot in salads and soups.

Pomegranate in High Nutrients

Pomegranate In High Nutrients

The Pomegranate is high in critical nutrients and minerals, which supply the body with the energy it requires. Pomegranate consumption relieves feelings of tiredness and inactivity. Pomegranate is particularly healthy for the blood due to its high iron content. It also aids in the maintenance of a normal blood platelet count, which is require for recovery from dengue.

Papaya Leaves

Papaya Leaves

Because of their highly complex protein content and potential to aid the bone marrow to improve platelet synthesis, papaya leaves have lately joined the dengue treatment approach arena. Several studies have shown that papaya leaves are particularly useful in treating dengue and raising platelet count. The ideal method is to beat three fresh leaves without adding any fibrous pieces to prepare a glass of juice and drink two teaspoons every six hours throughout the day. Papaya leaves a more powerful treatment to How to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue.

One such food that is highly suggest during Dengue fever is kiwi. It is high in potassium and vitamin C, both of which might increase platelets in the blood. Kiwi can halt the cycle of decreasing platelets while also providing your body with a healthy amount of energy.

Coconut Water

Coconut Water

consuming coconut water is another strategy to boost your body’s low platelet count. It’s indeed extremely beneficial to your health and should be consuming in once a day. Coconut water has a high concentration of electrolytes and minerals, which assist to increase the number of blood platelets. coconut water is also important to Increase Platelet Count in Dengue

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Vitamin C

Another key ingredient that aids the body in enhancing platelet formation is vitamin C. You may eat oranges, Amla, lemons, and bell peppers since they all have high quantities of vitamin C, which can benefit your body during Dengue. 

Omega Fatty Acids

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids include fish, flax seeds, walnuts, spinach, and others. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the immune system and might naturally enhance platelet count. As a result, eating them can help you manage low platelet counts.


Obtain Plenty of Rest: When suffering from any condition, it is critical to get plenty of rest and sleep. Resting allows the body to refresh, and manufacture more platelets. It is also are recommending to add in consume lots of water.


Platelet count is said to be improve by drinking aloe vera juice, beetroot juice, and carrot juice. It is recommend that aloe vera juice be consume after each meal. In just a few days, taking 2 or 3 tablespoons of beetroot juice combined with carrot juice twice a day might increase platelet count.

Avoid Harmful Foods

Avoid Harmful Foods

It is also vital to avoid some harmful foods, such as processed meals, tasteful sugars, junk food, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages. Consumption of certain foods and beverages may cause the platelet count to decline even lower since they may hamper platelet formation.

Fenugreek Seeds

If your platelet count has become dangerously low, you can try this natural cure. Simply soak 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds (methi seeds) in a glass of water overnight. The next morning, strain the water, reheat it up a little, and drink it. You may get the advantages of the seeds by soaking them for 3-4 hours during the day.


Many mosquito species of the genus Aedes transfer dengue, with Aedes aegypti being the most important in transmitting the virus and being considering the primary cause of dengue. This mosquito breeds in stagnant water and often bites during the day. The virus circulates in the blood for 2-7 days after the human is infect, during which time the mosquito can pick up the virus by biting the sick person and infect another unwitting victim.

There are several techniques to prevent the spread of dengue. The greatest technique to avoid mosquito breeding is to drain stagnant water in and around the house. It is preferable to remove water from buckets, tanks, pots, and other containers. It is also preferable to keep water in a covered container. Mosquito nets and defensive lotions, coils, and other products can help reduce mosquito bites.

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