
Genital Herpes: Symptoms & Diagnosis

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is frequent sexually transmitting disease which caused by the herpes simplex virus (STD). The virus primarily carried through sexual contact. The virus remains dormant in your body after the initial infection and can reawaken multiple times a year.

Pain, itching, and rashes in the vaginal area are all symptoms of genital herpes. However, you could not show any signs or symptoms of genital herpes. You can be contagious even if you don’t have any visible sores if you are diseased. It also creates herpetic sores. These are painful blisters (fluid-filled lumps) that burst and ooze fluid.

Although there is no cure for genital herpes, drugs can help to alleviate symptoms and minimize the risk of spreading the virus to others. Condoms can also assist prevent the spread of genital herpes.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)

STDs, also known as sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Moreover, these infections generally transmitted from one person to another through sexual contact. Vaginal, oral, or anal sex are the most common forms of contact. They can, however, spread through other forms of intimate physical contact. This is due to the fact from some STDs, such as herpes and HPV, spread through skin-to-skin contact.

There are over 20 different forms of STDs, including:

1. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is frequently sexually transmitting disease. It is the bacteria that causes it. Both men and women can infect from it. Chlamydia can infect a woman’s cervix, rectum, or throat. Chlamydia can contract in the urethra (within the penis), the rectum, or the throat in men. Young people, particularly young women, are more likely to contract chlamydia. If you don’t use a condom on a regular basis or if you have several partners, you’re more likely to get it.

2. Genital herpes

The herpes simplex virus causes genital herpes, which is a sexually transmitted illness (STD) (HSV). It can cause ulcers in the vaginal or rectal areas, as well as the buttocks and thighs. It can be contracted by vaginal, anal, or oral sex with a person who has it. Even if there are no sores, the infection can spread. During childbirth, mothers can potentially infect their babies.

3. Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea is a disease that is spread through sexual contact. Young adults are the most affected. Gonorrhea is caused by germs that can infect the vaginal tract, mouth, or anus. You can contract gonorrhoea from an infected partner during vaginal, oral, or anal sex. During childbirth, a pregnant woman can pass it on to her baby. Symptoms of gonorrhoea are not always present. Men with gonorrhoea may experience pain while peeing as well as discharge from the penis. It can create difficulties with the prostate and testicles if left untreated.


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that causes infection in humans. It wreaks havoc on your immune system by eliminating a type of white blood cell that aids in infection defense. You’re at risk for dangerous infections and certain malignancies as a result of this.

The acronym AIDS refers to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It is the last stage of HIV infection. It occurs when the body’s immune system severely harmed by a virus. AIDS does not affect everyone who has HIV.

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5. HPV

The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a family of viruses. They can result in warts on various places of your body. There are almost 200 different kinds. About 40 of them transmitted through direct sexual contact with a virus-carrier. They can also spread through skin-to-skin contact in other intimate situations. Some of these varieties have the potential to cause cancer.

There are two types of HPV that are sexually transmitting viruses. Warts on or around your genitals, anus, mouth, or neck can cause low-risk HPV. High-risk HPV can lead to a variety of malignancies.

6. Pubic lice

Pubic lice (sometimes known as crabs) are microscopic insects that dwell in the human pubic or vaginal area. They can also find on coarse body hair such hair on the legs, armpits, moustache, beard, eyebrows, and eyelashes. The presence of pubic lice on a child’s or teen’s brows or eyelashes could indicate sexual exposure or abuse.

Pubic lice are parasites that survive by feeding on human blood. They are one of three forms of lice that can find on people. Head lice and body lice are the other two categories. Each type of lice is distinct, and catching one does not guarantee that you will catch another.

7. Syphilis

Syphilis is a bacterial-cause sexually transmitting disease. Both men and women can get it in their genital area, lips, mouth, or anus. The most common way to contract syphilis is through sexual contact with someone who has it. During pregnancy, it can also pass from mother to baby.

In the early stages of syphilis, a single, small and painless sore is common. It can sometimes cause swelling in the lymph nodes nearby. Normally, syphilis causes a non-itchy skin rash on your hands and feet if you don’t cure it. Many people are unaware of their symptoms for years. Symptoms can fade and reappearance.

8. Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a parasitic infection that spread through sexual contact. During sex, it spreads from person to person. Many people have no signs or symptoms. If you do get symptoms, they will normally appear 5 to 28 days after you have been infected.

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Causes of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes can be caused by 2 types of herpes simplex virus infections:

1. HSV-1

This is the kind that typically produces mouth sores or fever blisters. HSV-1 is most commonly transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, although it can also be transmitted to the vaginal area during oral sex. When compared to HSV-2 infection, recurrences are far less common.

2. HSV-2

This is the form that causes genital herpes most commonly. Sexual and skin-to-skin contact are also ways for the virus to spread. Whether or whether you have an open sore, HSV-2 is quite common and highly contagious.

The virus dies quickly outside the body so, it’s practically hard to contract the disease by coming into contact with an infected person’s toilets, towels, or other materials.

According to the World Health Organization, nearly 3.7 billion persons under the age of 50 contracted HSV-1 in 2016. Around 491 million persons aged 15 to 49 years old were infected with HSV-2 in the same year.

HSV-1 or HSV-2 can be found in bodily fluids, including:

1. Saliva

2. Semen

3. Vaginal Secretions.

Symptoms of Genital Herpes

Wherever the infection has penetrated your body, sores will emerge. If you touch a sore and then rub or scratch another part of your body, including your eyes, you can spread the infection.

Men and women can develop sores on the:

1. Buttocks and thighs

2. Anus

3. Mouth

4. Urethra (the tube that allows urine to drain from the bladder to the outside)

Women can get sores in or on the following areas:

1. External genitals

2. Vaginal Area

3. Cervix

Men can also develop sores in or on the:

1. Penis

2. Scrotum

The following are common symptoms of Genital Herpes:

1. Blisters can form in the mouth, on the lips, on the face, and anywhere else that has come into touch with infected areas.

2. Before blisters emerge, the area that has been infected with the disease generally begins to itch or tickle.

3. Blisters can turn into ulcers (open sores) and bleed fluid.

4. Within a week of the outbreak, a crust may form over the sores.

5. Headaches, body aches, and fever are all possible symptoms of the viral illness.

Ulcers on the face, body, and genitals are some of the common signs of a newborn born with herpes (contracted HSV through a vaginal delivery).

Babies born with genital herpes can suffer from a variety of serious issues, including:

1. Blindness

2. Brain damage

3. Death

If you have genital herpes or have developed HSV while pregnant, it’s essential to tell your doctor moreover they’ll take care to avoid transmitting the infection to an unborn baby during delivery. If the birth canal has herpes blisters, the healthcare team may decide to deliver the baby through surgery rather than a vaginal delivery.

How common is it?

Genital herpes is very common.

Although HSV-2 is the most common cause of genital herpes, the infection can also be caused by HSV-1.

In 2016, 491.5 million persons were projected to have had an HSV-2 infection, according to the WHO’s most recent estimates. This represents more than a tenth of the global population between the ages of 15 and 49.

In the same year, the WHO estimates that 3.7 billion people, or almost two-thirds of the world’s population under the age of 50, were infected with HSV-1.

When to see a doctor

If you don’t have any signs of genital herpes, you shouldn’t get tested for herpes, according to the CDC.

However, if you have genital herpes symptoms, you should visit a doctor. They can make an infection diagnosis and explain treatment options.

It’s also a good idea to schedule an appointment with a doctor if you suspect you have been exposed to HSV or if you want a thorough STI screening and testing.

If a face-to-face appointment isn’t possible, an at-home test kit is a viable alternative. However, an in-person test performed by a doctor may be more accurate.

Treatment of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes has no known cure. Prescription antiviral medicines may be used to:

1. Help sores heal sooner during an initial outbreak

2. In recurring outbreaks, reduce the severity and duration of the symptoms.

3. Recurrence frequency should be reduced

4. Reduce the risk of spreading the herpes virus to others.

The following antiviral medicines are used to treat genital herpes:

1. Acyclovir (Zovirax)

2. Valacyclovir (Valtrex)

Your doctor may advise you to take the medication only if you are experiencing symptoms of an outbreak, or to take a specific prescription on a daily basis even if you are not experiencing symptoms of an outbreak. Generally, These drugs well tolerated and have little negative effects.

Ayurveda Treatment of Genital Herpes

Many people are unaware that they have genital herpes since they do not experience the symptoms. 500,000 new cases of genital herpes are diagnosed and treated each year. Since a result, proper knowledge of this disease is critical, as it can cause major health problems such as meningitis and proctitis, as well as increasing the risk of other sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) or herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is the virus that causes genital herpes (HSV-1). It is a highly contagious disease that affects both men and women.

Haridra (Curcuma longa), Neem (Azadirachta indica), Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia), Pitta papda (Fumaria officinalis), Chirata (Swetia chiretta), and Ghritkumari (Aloe barbadensis) are some of the Ayurvedic herbs used to treat genital herpes Although these herbs are high in antibacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities, which can help to alleviate the symptoms of genital herpes. These herbs also aid in the strengthening of the immune system and the body’s ability to combat foreign invaders.

Ayurveda View

In Ayurveda, there are three energy that are responsible for healthy health: vata, pitta, and kapha. Because when one or more of the three energies are out of harmony, health problems arise. The herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) causes genital herpes (HSV-2). All three doshas in the body have become vitiated as a result of this sickness. A lot of factors contribute to this condition, including a poor lifestyle and poor eating habits.

How Genital Herpes spread?

HSV is passed from one person to the next through sexual intercourse, which might include:

1. Vaginal sex

2. Anal Sex

3. Any other activities that involve contact between genitals

HSV can be transmitted during oral intercourse. Herpes can spread from the mouth to the vaginal and anal regions, and vice versa.

HSV is usually spread by skin-to-skin contact, although it can also be detected in sperm, saliva, and vaginal secretions.

Risk Factor of Genital Herpes

1. Women are more likely than men to have genital herpes. Also, It is easier for men to transfer the virus to women than it is for women to transmit it to men.

2. Each extra sexual partner increases your chances of contracting the genital herpes virus and make you fall sick.

3. Other sexually transmitted viruses, such as Aids, are more likely to spread or infect you.

4. Inflammation around the tube that transports urine from your bladder to the outside world might occur in some circumstances as a result of genital herpes blisters (urethra). For several days, the swelling can shut the urethra, necessitating the placement of a catheter to drain your bladder.

5. HSV infection can cause inflammation of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid around your brain and spinal cord in rare cases.

6. Inflammation of the rectum lining can result from genital herpes, especially in males who have sex with other male.

what to do when you tested positive.

Your sample included HSV. It could indicate that you have an active infection (now have sores) or that you have been sick in the past (you have no sores).

If you’ve tested positive for HSV, speak with your doctor. Herpes is not curable, however, it rarely leads to major health concerns so, no need to get panic. Some people only get sores once in their lives, while others get them more frequently. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription to help you minimize the severity and frequency of your outbreaks.

Precaution of Genital Herpes

Try not to panic if you find out you have herpes. You can prevent it from spreading to your partners and other regions of your body in a few ways:

1. During oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse, always use condoms and dental dams.

2. Consult your doctor about taking herpes medication on a daily basis to reduce your risks of spreading the virus.

3. Even if you’re using a condom, avoid sex during a herpes outbreak because there are some sores where the condom does not reach.

4. Moreover, learn how to spot an outbreak coming on and quit having sex as soon as you detect the warning signals. You may experience a burning, itching, or tingling sensation that signals the onset of sores.

5. Similarly, wait until your sores have completely healed and the scabs have fallen off before having sex.

6. You can spread the illness to other regions of your body or to other people if you touch your herpes sores, don’t touch them. If you contact a sore, immediately wash your hands with soap and water.

7. Don’t kiss anyone if you have a cold sore on your mouth, especially babies, children, or pregnant women.

8. Before you have sex, always tell your sexual partners that you have herpes. As result, you can work together to keep it from spreading. However, it’s difficult to tell someone you have an STD, but herpes is extremely common and does not cause major health problems.

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