
Amazing Benfits of Ashwagandha For Hair Loss

Ashwagandha For Hair Loss

The ancient Indian system of alternative medicine and holistic health known as Ayurveda gave us ashwagandha. Ashwagandha has been used as a natural remedy for more than 3,000 years, but only recently has it received widespread media attention and become a trendy adapt. It has numerous claimed health advantages, but as with other natural therapies, it can be challenging to distinguish between those that are true. Can ashwagandha actually promote the growth of healthy hair? Today, we’ll explore the research behind ashwagandha for hair loss, discuss how it may work to stop hair loss, and explain why it’s an important ingredient for hair growth.

What is Ashwagandha?

An evergreen plant called ashwagandha is used to treat a number of common illnesses, including stress, exhaustion, discomfort, hair loss, skin diseases, and digestive problems. It is also known to improve sleep and manage diabetes. Ashwagandha is referred to as Indian ginseng and the queen of herbs due to its wide range of medicinal benefits.

For thousands of years, ayurvedic medicines have contained extracts from the roots or leaves of ashwagandha. Experts have started including it in contemporary hair care products and supplements since it is packed with micronutrients.

Is Ashwagandha right for hair loss?

From Scientific Point of view:- Yes, Ashwagandha allows control strain-brought on hair loss. Stress is understood to increase the secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), which in turn will increase the cortisol levels inside the body. Ashwagandha is a famous adaptogen that improves an individual’s potential to cope with this strain. It normalizes the features of the frame and allows the frame to adapt to changes. Ashwagandha powder reduces the extent of serum cortisol and additionally helps to lessen strain and strain-associated issues like hair loss.

From an Ayurvedic Point of View:- According to Ayurveda, the motive behind hair fall is to irritate Vata dosha within the frame, and Ashwagandha acts on hair fall through balancing Vata dosha. Moreover, Ashwagandha additionally offers oiliness to the scalp because of its snigdha (oily) property. This allows you to save your broken hair.


Use Ashwagandha-primarily based total hair oil ideally at night time three times every week for a minimum of six months for higher results.

Who Should Use Ashwagandha:

 Generally, anyone who is going through hair loss or thinning due to stress can use ashwagandha. Before using it, you should talk to your doctor since some medications may interact with it may react with. Ashwagandha shouldn’t be used by women who are expecting or nursing, immunosuppressed, diabetic, or who have issues with their blood pressure or thyroid.

How Can We Get Ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is available in India in the form of dry roots, powdered steam, and supplementary tablets.

Although you may purchase it online, it’s advisable to work with reliable businesses that give the herb the recommended quantity of withanolides (active components). Make sure the ashwagandha you purchase has undergone impurity and hazardous metal testing.

How long will it take Ashwagandha to begin to work?

Within a week, regular use of Ashwagandha can lower your stress levels. However, it can take at least 12 weeks for ashwagandha to completely improve the health of your hair.

Benefits of Ashwagandha For Hair

In addition to its benefits for preventing hair loss, Ashwagandha’s ingredients may also have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. When ashwagandha is a component of the hair care routine, it might be useful. One should think about utilizing herbs and plant extracts consistently for a long time if they are to be effective.

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1. It Provides Relief for Hair Loss

The proper operation of your hair follicles is impacted by an increase in stress hormones like cortisol, which eventually results in hair fall. Ashwagandha may provide a quick fix for controlling your body’s cortisol levels, which will prevent follicle damage and hair loss. The herb contains natural mood-enhancing qualities that reduce hair loss by reducing stress and anxiety.

2.Makes Your Hair Stronger

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a natural hormone in your body that is the ultimate antioxidant, is produced more quickly when ashwagandha is consumed. As a result, ashwagandha aids in scavenging free radicals from your scalp and hair follicles and encourages the creation of healthy hair.

3. Improves Scalp and Hair Nutrition

The ashwagandha plant’s flavonoids are an abundant source of protein, vitamin C, iron, glucose, tannins, potassium, and nitrate, all of which are necessary for strong, lustrous hair development.

5. Minimizes Scalp Irritation

Ashwagandha enhances the general health of your hair follicles because of its potent anti-inflammatory qualities. It manages inflammation-related allergies and scalp conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, and itching.

6. Reverses Premature Greying of Hair 

Ashwagandha contains the amino acid tyrosine, which aids in boosting the creation of melanin in your hair follicles. You can stop your hair from prematurely greying and replenish lost melanin thanks to this.

How Can Ashwagandha Be Used To Prevent Hair Loss?

HOW OFTEN CAN YOU USE IT: Ashwagandha can be added to water or coffee or taken orally as a daily tablet. You may also mix it with your shampoo or use it as a paste to apply it directly to the scalp.

1. Natural hair care items

You can select hair care items like conditioner, shampoo, and hair oil that have ashwagandha as one of the main constituents. For topical use of the herb, you can also mix some ashwagandha powder into your shampoo, conditioner, and leave-in products.

2. Masks made of ashwagandha

Add the necessary amount of warm distilled water to 2-3 spoons of ashwagandha powder to create a fine paste. Gently massage the paste into your scalp and hair. After 30 minutes of wrapping with a towel, thoroughly clean the area with tap water.

Add equal amounts of the powders for Brahmi, hibiscus, and ashwagandha. Now, add enough yogurt or coconut milk to create a basis, and then combine everything together to form a paste. Apply the mask to your scalp and hair, then wait 30 minutes before rinsing with an herbal shampoo.

3. Diet using ashwagandha tea

Add a spoonful of ashwagandha powder or a few dried roots to the water, and then boil it for 10 to 15 minutes on low heat with the lid covered. The water can be strained into a cup before being given a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice, and it is ready to drink.

4. Ashwagandha Churna

Ashwagandha is typically taken as a powder and combined with ghee, honey, or warm milk for consumption. Every day, right after breakfast, you can have a spoonful of ashwagandha churna. It is advised to start with a smaller amount, such as 14 spoons, and then gradually raise the dosage.

5. Supplemental Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a common ingredient in the development of Ayurvedic supplements that promote hair growth. The oral supplements can be taken daily in doses of 300–500 mg. Additionally, because ashwagandha’s active ingredients are fat-soluble, it is recommended that you take supplements along with foods that include good fats.

Risks & Side Effects Of Excessive Ashwagandha Use

  1. When ashwagandha is used in moderate doses, common side effects include sleepiness, headaches, and stomach trouble.
  1.  An overdose of ashwagandha might occasionally cause allergic reactions and a rapid heartbeat.
  1.  Ashwagandha has the ability to treat hypothyroidism, but it can develop and trend into hyperthyroidism.
  1.  Ashwagandha should be avoided by pregnant women as it may result in early delivery. Additionally, ashwagandha should not be taken orally by nursing moms.
  1.  Ashwagandha might cause intolerance in people who are sensitive to plants in the nightshade family (Solanaceae), including pepper, tomato, potato, etc.
  1.  When using ashwagandha, stay away from sleepy drugs such as benzodiazepines, barbiturates, and alcohol.

Wrapping Up

Ashwagandha is referred to in Ayurveda as the “Queen of herbs” since it has so many advantages for your hair. To get the finest benefits, incorporate the wonder herb into your regular hair care regimen. Additionally, it has the capacity to stimulate hair development and protect the follicles, scalp, and hair tissues. Additionally, it may be a fantastic way to raise your natural defences.
