
Why Do Horses Need Shoes?

Why Do Horses Need Shoes

Have you ever wondered why horses need shoes? Horseshoes are both a pastime and a lucky charm, most people are familiar with how horses’ “shoes” seem. But it’s not as well known why they wear these semicircles of metal (or other materials). Horses need shoes to help protect their feet from rough ways and injuries humans need to wear shoes to protect their feet, just like horses need to wear shoes.

The Main Purpose of Horse Shoes

Why Do Horses Need Shoes

Horseshoes are quite universal; it’s very rare to come across a person who does not know what they appear to be. But why do they even exist? And why do all the horses (except wild ones) always wear them?

The horseshoe mainly uses to help increase the durability of the hoof on working horses. The hoof makes with of the same stuff as your fingernails, which is keratin, but the hoof has a tender and soft inner part, which is a frog; it can injure too. Putting a shoe on the hoof helps to reduce the natural wear and tear that occurs as horses walk, which keeps the frog in good health.

Due to the absence of nerves and blood arteries in the hoof wall, which forms a rim around the bottom of the hoof and covers its top, horse feet are unquestionably far more durable than those of humans. Horses can travel around on all four of their hooves with ease, wearing down the hoof walls as they go. For wild horses traveling across undeveloped land, this procedure often moves along at a reasonable, moderate pace.

Horse Shoe is Made Up of

Although there are rare exceptions, most horseshoes compose with steel. Because they are lighter and perform better when speed is the primary goal, racehorses typically wear metal horseshoes. In the event that a horse sustains a foot or hoof damage, there are also “boots” available. These rubber “boots” contain a built-in rubber horseshoe that creates a considerably softer walking surface and more robust support. 

How to Fit Horse Shoe?

Why Do Horses Need Shoes

Farriers are individuals who fit horseshoes on animals (also spelled Ferrier). To secure the horseshoe to the hoof, farriers use nails similar to those. Horses, like people, have nails made with the same substance as their own, and when a horseshoe fastens to a hoof. It has no feeling since, as we previously stated, horses’ hooves are from the same material as your own nail.

After driving the nails all the way through the hoof’s outer border, the farrier bends them so they resemble a hook. To achieve a satisfactory fit, the remaining sharp points and a portion of the hoof will fill away. When the hoof is ready, you can tell because it will finally cross the shoe.

Horses With Barefoot

You might occasionally encounter a horse without any horseshoes. Wild horses also don’t have shoes. In the working environment, horses who don’t wear shoes typically have foot issues. Sometimes their hooves are too fragile or they may have broken off a piece of their hoof, making it difficult to attach the shoe properly. These horses will have more restrictions on how much work they can do, but they can still perform trail rides and work the farm.

There are two reasons why wild horses can live without shoes. First, the horses with bare feet don’t “work” as hard or as frequently as a horse with an owner. Consequently, they wear down their hooves more gradually than they grow. Second, they have no one to look after their well-being, so if they have an injured frog or another situation where a shoe will put on a horse owned by them, they must deal with it.

Why Horse Shoes are Required for Trail Riding?

Why Do Horses Need Shoes

Hack horses are horses that are used for trail rides, and shoes are quite important to them. The hooves would deteriorate more quickly than they would grow, especially when trail rides perform on paved or hard-packed terrain (like that of the Grand Canyon). The horses might be unable to work as a result of this. To keep their feet safe and enable them to work the 8–5 grind, well-kept horses will always wear shoes.

Additionally to the previously mentioned, Mountain Creek Riding Stable shoed our horses to prevent slipping. The shoes of every one of our horses have “Drill Tech,” which is of carbraze, applied to them. Tungsten carbide combines with brass and nickel to create carbraze. The tungsten fragments and the steel of the shoe are both adhered to as the matrix melts. In a manner similar to ice cleats for people, the tungsten pieces stand out once it has cooled and offer more traction on slick surfaces. Our company places the highest priority on safety, and this traction is crucial in the winter.

How Frequently do Horses Need New Shoes?

Why Do Horses Need Shoes

Like our lungs, a horse’s natural foot is constantly contracting, thus it is important to make sure their shoes are properly fitting and that they are wearing the right size to reduce the likelihood that they may cause pain to your animal.

Additionally, you might astonish to find that a horse grows a brand-new foot in just a year. For this reason, it’s crucial to replace your horses’ shoes since they might outgrow them sooner than you think!

Every horse that often walks on a hard floor needs to have shoes. Applying them doesn’t harm, but failing to wear them and your animal experiencing pain could result in injury. If the worst happens, you are covered by our horse insurance policies from unforeseen and pricey veterinary expenses. The horseshoes also help balance the horse while running or walking.

Also read: What do horses eat


Hoof protection comes from horseshoes. This action will take place since the shoes can increase their strength and durability. Fewer injuries will occur to the horse if the hooves are stronger. Consequently, riding on hard terrain won’t result in any injuries, especially during a race. Additionally, since it will keep the foot protected, there won’t be any issues. Horseshoes

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Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
