
Summer in Spain

summer in spain

If you are planning to go to Spain in summer you will get the most loving sunny and hot weather. On average at this time the temperature is around 35degree celsius. If you are planning to go to Spain this is the best time to go. The environment is perfectly suitable to have a high experience and explore the vibrant culture.

Specialty to Go Spain in Summer

Specialty to Go Spain in Summer ​

There are so many things and activities to go to in Spain in the summer. Which is the center of attraction for outside visitors. On summer occasions, what is better than going scuba diving, beaches, etc? The special thing about this place is that this place has something for everyone. Like events are there, thrill activities are there, lots of cultural festivals are there, etc. If you want to explore a place with lots of activities and fun it is the perfect choice to go for. 

Here, you can go with family, and friends and for office visits also. They have lots of places to go. It has various places which make you cool and calm. As a traveler, if you are also a foody person so, there are lots of things waiting for you. A large no of visitors are coming here from different countries it’s also a good idea for you to go there if you are a person who loves to interact with others.

Events You Shouldn't Miss in Spain

Spain is the most famous country to go to if you are exploring to go somewhere to have amazing food, beautiful view, and experience rich culture. There are many festivals which are celebrated in Spain in summer only. And on this occasion you can get the benefit to experience the best time of your trip some enjoyable events are:

La Tomatina in Bunol ​
Noche de San Juan in Alicante ​
Feria de Malaga ​
Bull-Running in Pamplona ​
Mallorca Live Festival ​

La Tomatina in Bunol

The La Tomatine in Bunal is the event in which there is a culture to throw the tomato. This is celebrated on the last of August. This festival is the most popular event in Spain worldwide come here to enjoy this event. At this event, people throw ripe tomatoes and celebrate together. Actually, this is the festival to build unity and celebrate happiness among people.

Noche de San Juan in Alicante

This is the eve which is devoted to the st. John’s. It is a celebration with lots of fun and happiness. There is a tradition to light the bonfire, have traditional food, and people dance together at night. It is the night that bloom like the day. It is officially celebrated on June 22 and 23. The beach has a large concert, hang-out activities, grills, and drinks. If you are a dance lover it is a good one because here you can dance till the morning. 

Feria de Malaga

The Feria de Malaga is a traditional festival. If you are a person who loves to know about different cultures and religious activities it is the best event to attend. There are different organized events based on the culture. This is celebrated outside of Malaga. Proper space is booked to have the celebration. Every year there is a huge crowd comes to be a part of the event. So, if you don’t want to miss the event book your seat in advance.

Bull-Running in Pamplona

The  Bull- running in Pamplona is also one of the world wide most famous and loving festivals. On this occasion, the bull ran. This is also a very popular event because mostly it is the controversy. It is celebrated at the beginning of July. The exciting experience you can get which you don’t want to miss.

Mallorca Live Festival

The Mallorca Live Festival is the one that shows This is the top music festival in Europe. It started at the beginning of July. There is a properly organized setup where the worldwide musician comes to perform. 

Places Must Visit: Spain in Summer

If you are in Spain or thinking to go to Spain this summer. There is some amazing place which you should not miss. If you are there for a long trip, you can cover all these amazing places. 


Madrid is the capital of Spain, it is the center of art and architecture. This place consists of many histories and monumental places of Spain. All the historical monuments are there which have so many things to explore. The specialty of this area is football matches so if you are at this place you can enjoy the most joyful football match too.

The Capital of Spain,it is the center of art and architecture
Gives you an amazing experience, This is one of the loveliest places for the visitor
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Barcelona is the place which gives you an amazing experience which you can not get from any other place. Culturally they follow the Gaudi design once you pass through the streets you can see many of the buildings. Generally, you will see all of them have the Gaudi design. This is one of the loveliest places for the visitor so, if you are going to Madrid make sure you explore this lovely place too.


Granada is a rich city in Spain there are so many lovely and amazing building designs with so many different designs. There are so many majesties also which tell the culture story and the begging of their generations. If you like to go to the mountains then this is the place where you must go. The view is similar to a fairyland. 

Some Cool Activities to Do in Spain in Summer

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Sunbathing on Beach

Sunbathing on Beach​

This is the most lovely way to relax your body. Having sunbathed under the sky in the fresh air, allows sunrays to enter sun rays directly into your body. If you also want to keep calm and relaxed so you can go to Murcia. Although, There is a stunning and lovely environment which you really love to spend some more time.

Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving

What would be better than going deep to the sea or ocean in summer?  This is more than a better advantage to going to Spain in summer because you can not only allow attending the event,  not only the mounting but you are also able to do Scuba diving here. You will feel relaxed after the summery, hot, and tiring day.

Road Trips

Road Trips

Spain has different types of buildings and structures which is creating really a lovely view of the city. So, if you are planning to have a loving road trip with lots of joy and fun it is the best one to go for. Especially at night, you can go on a road trip. 

Drink in Lovely Sunset

Drink in Lovely Sunset

If you are a person who loves to try different kinds of drinks. So, there is a perfect beach where you can go with no worries. 

Summer Time & Temperature in Spain

The average temperature of Spain in summer is between 25 to 30-degree celsius. However, some other places are hotter than this like the beaches, etc. There are four months of summer in Spain June, July, August, and September. 

June is an excellent month to visit Spain. At this time there is not so much crowd. And the summer is just started so not that much warmer weather is there easily you can stay and enjoy. Also this month, there are some discounts as compared to the next month. Due ot the coming crowd everything is turning to be more and more expensive. So, why should wait if you want to visit Spain without such a huge crowd this is the perfect time for you.

It is tourism month in Spain. The average temperature of this month is 28-degree Celsius. This month the weather is warmer and due to the large no of visitors, there are lots of visitors this month. 

August is the month when most of the visitors come because from this month the weather is started to move slightly cool. It is the last month if you want to visit in summer, this is how you can enjoy the real summer. This month the weather is so lovely near the beach, The days are not too long. 

This is also a good time to go to Spain. At this time the summer started to go. But the weather is still warm and lovely. Another benefit is that at this time there is not so much crowd so easily you can enjoy the view and the peace.

Going to Spain in summer is the best one option specially if you are an explorer.  And love to visit the place where lots of fun activity and many things to explore. Spain is also a very good place to go if you are a foody person. However, There are lots of food items which you can enjoy. So, this summer go something really worthy place.

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Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
