
Multivitamins: Benefits and Side Effects


The two supplements that are used the most commonly worldwide are multivitamins and multiminerals. In the last few decades, their popularity has risen rapidly.

Multivitamins are thought by some to enhance health, make up for bad eating patterns, and even lower the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The benefits and side effects of multivitamins are mentioned in this article.

What are multivitamins?

Vitamins and nutrients are necessary for your body to function correctly. You must consume a balanced diet to achieve that. Sadly, not everyone has access to wholesome food every day. Multivitamins are useful in this situation.

Multivitamins are a blend of various vitamins, typically obtained from food sources. They are employed to supply vitamins that aren’t obtained from diet alone.

Daily multivitamin intake can help us fill in any nutritional gaps and improve our health organically. With the help of multivitamins, we may quickly meet our daily nutritional needs and obtain the recommended daily amounts of all the vitamins and minerals.

Which Vitamins are most important for health?

  1. Magnesium: Beneficial for healthy bones and muscles.
  2. Chromium: Beneficial for controlling blood sugar.
  3. Zinc is beneficial for skin, fertility, and immunity.
  4. Iron: Beneficial for preserving normal blood and muscle function.
  5. Calcium is beneficial for healthy teeth and bones, as well as blood coagulation.
  6. Folic acid is beneficial for heart health, cell regeneration, and the prevention of birth abnormalities of the neural tube.
  7. Vitamin E is beneficial for circulation, skin health, and antioxidant defence.
  8. Good for strong bones, a healthy immune system, and mood is vitamin D.
  9. Vitamin C is beneficial for blood vessel strength, skin health, and antioxidant defense.
  10. Vitamin B: Beneficial for mental health, brain health, and energy levels.
  11. Vitamin A: Promotes healthy skin, vision, and normal growth and development.

Foods that beat Multivitamins

Here are the best goods that can be beneficial for Multivitamins.


Kale is very nutritious. It is one of the foods with the highest nutritional content world and is especially rich in vitamins. The k1 vitamin is necessary for blood clotting and might affect bone health. Fresh kale includes the following in one cup: 68 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin K122 percent of the required vitamin C consumption daily intake in addition. Kale has a lot of potassium, vitamin B6, manganese, and iron.


Iodine insufficiency from seaweed is one of the most prevalent nutritional deficiencies. Across the world, roughly one-third of the global iodine shortage in the population causes thyroid issues in grownups when pregnancy could potentially raise the danger of developmental and intellectual abnormalities. Seawood is very effective multivitamin which helps to cure diseases.

Brazil Nuts

Brazil nuts are short on selenium for you possibly the ideal snack selenium necessary for the immune system and thyroid along with antioxidant activity 50 to 70 micrograms are the RDI, which may might be attained by eating just one large. Each Brazil nut can contain up to 95 calories. selenium in micrograms, the higher. There is a fixed tolerance for selenium. around 300 to 400 micrograms daily for adults, so be careful not to consume too much from them.

Yellow Bell Pepper

One of the best dietary sources is bell peppers places to get vitamin C an example of a vital vitamin, together with water. As a result, your body doesn’t store the added amounts consequently, taking vitamin C routinely is essential while vitamin C Scurvy, also known as inadequacy, is symptom.

Cod Liver Oil

One of the most typical deficiencies is the lack of certain nutrients worldwide is because vitamin D can be obtained from diet few, however, they do contain fatty fish. Egg and, to a lesser extent, liver oils  vitamin D is found in yolks and mushrooms.  It is also crucial for bone health. Vital component of numerous biological functions consisting of immune system performance and  As a cancer preventative, cod liver oil  excellent complement to any diet, particularly for those who reside a long way from the equator where it is impossible to manufacture vitamin D.

Also Read :- Best Multivitamin Tablets in India

Benefits of Multivitamins for Health

1. Maintaining heart health

Being a crucial organ, the heart must be kept in good condition. Numerous studies indicate that taking premium multivitamins may lower the risk of cardiovascular illnesses. Magnesium, niacin, vitamin K1, and vitamins B1, B2, and B6 all contribute to cardiovascular health.

2. Decreases anxiety and depression

Your multivitamin capsule contains vitamins and minerals that can considerably lessen the signs and symptoms of stress and sadness. Your neurological system is stimulated by vitamin B to generate hormones that help you cope with stress. Getting enough vitamins and minerals enhances the brain processes involved in mood.

3.Boosts Energy Levels

When our bodies don’t satisfy the dietary requirements, we can feel tired and frail. You can replenish your energy by taking a regular course of multivitamin capsules as prescribed by your doctor. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and taking multivitamins helps keep you active and in shape.

4.Lowers the Risk of Cancer

Numerous findings suggest that daily multivitamin use can lower the risk of developing any sort of cancer. You should take multivitamins as directed by your doctor.

5. Enhances Mental Function

Some vitamins and fatty acids can stop or reduce the loss of memory. Omega-3 fatty acids, herbal medicines like Ginkgo Biloba, and vitamins like vitamin B12 aid in the recovery of brain function.

6. Keeping your muscles strong

Because they are mostly responsible for issues related to muscle ageing, free radicals in the body are harmful. Antioxidants, which can be found in multivitamin capsules, can eliminate these free radicals. Multivitamins can aid in containing these harmful free radicals.

7. It strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C, which are call as for boosting the immune system, are all present in the multivitamin pill. Similarly, Antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E aid in reducing allergic symptoms.

Here are some Side Effects of Multivitamins because consuming anything in excessive quantities may cause health related issues.

Also read: Effective Benefits of Omega-3

Side Effects of Multivitamins:- 


Multivitamin side effects include:

  • Constipation
  • Dark stools
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Vitamin D, calcium, and folic acid are 3 vitamins you can get an excessive amount of, particularly through dietary supplements.
  • Adults who frequently a long way exceed the 4,000 global units (IUs) each day secure higher restrict for vitamin D would possibly also additionally turn out to have critical heart problems.
  • Folic acid is delivered to enriched grain products—white flour, pasta, rice, bread, and cereals—to assist in preventing birth defects in babies due to folic acid deficiency in pregnant women. While folic acid fortification has reduced the number of birth defects from 25% to 50%, it might have created different fitness worries in human beings.
  • It’s not hard to get more than 1,000 micrograms of folic acid a day (the secure higher limit for adults) from fortified foods and supplements on a normal basis. Doing so might hide the signs of a nutritional B12 deficiency in older adults. Vitamin B12 deficiency can, from time to time, result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.

Do Multivitamins Have a Risk?

When a person consumes more multivitamin supplements than is typical or advised, they overdose on multiple vitamins. While multivitamins can offer certain fitness benefits, they can also cause trouble once they include an excessive amount of something we don’t want. For example, an excessive amount of calcium might also increase the chance of kidney stones or heart disease.

One factor to consider is the distinction between how water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins are saved and excreted from the frame. Water-soluble vitamins together with nutrition C are used speedy and any extra is right away excreted from the frame. These are not likely to motivate harm, even at better doses. In contrast, fat-soluble vitamins together with nutrients A and D may saved in frame tissues. When consumed in mega-excessive doses, those can build up in the frame and can pose fitness risks.

If you’re taking a fundamental multivitamin with 100% of the encouraged day-by-day dosage, then there’s no want to worry about taking an excessive amount.

High doses Come With Risks

Pregnant women who consume too much vitamin A run a higher risk of having children with birth problems. Hypercalcemia (high calcium), which can result from an excess of vitamin D, can cause vomiting, muscle weakness, mental disorders, and kidney stones. Hemorrhagic strokes may be exacerbated by excess vitamin E. Abdominal cramps, nausea, and diarrhea can all be brought on by an excess of magnesium. Prostate cancer and heart disease risk may be increased by extremely high calcium consumption.

  • Kidneys
  • Muddy urine
  • Constantly urinating
  • A greater volume of urine
  • Cracked, dry lips (from chronic overdose)
  • Eye pain
  • Increased light sensitivity in the eyes.
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • A quick heartbeat
  • Joints and muscles
  • A bone ache
  • Aching joints
  • Muscle ache
  • Muscle tremor

Why are multivitamins given?

Multivitamins can given to us for nutritional deficiency or nutritional support. Nutritional deficiency can be due to many reasons like pregnancy in which you need more vitamins. However, When you are on excessive dieting, may given multivitamins for any type of surgery or diabetic disorder or for medical purposes.

What occurs if you don’t take a dose?

If it is almost time for your next dose, avoid the missed dose and take the medication as soon as you can. Never combine two dosages into one.

What occurs if you take an overdose?

The adverse effects of taking too much vitamin A, D, E, or K can be severe or even fatal. Taking too much of some minerals might result in serious overdose symptoms. Meanwhile, Blood in the urine, pale complexion, bleeding, stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, lack of appetite, hair loss, peeling skin, tingling in or around the mouth, changes in menstrual cycles, and weight loss are just a few of the symptoms of an overdose.


Although we can acquire all the vitamins we need from a regular diet, our body doesn’t need supplements. Always speak with your doctor before using multivitamin tablets. You can only take those capsules as directed.
