
How to Write Application to Principal

How to write application toprincipal

If you are a student, you have definitely faced several moments in your life where you have needed to write an application to your school’s principal. The explanations could be many. You must always submit leave applications, whether you’re asking for time off due to illness, taking a trip, or getting approval to take part in competitions or sporting events.

Format of Application to the Principal

Writing the application includes a specific format. It determines the format to use when composing an application to the principal. The format for submitting an application to the principal is as follows:

Receiver’s Address [Include the name of the recipient, such as “The Principal,” followed by the school’s address.]

Date [The day the application was written. It facilitates the application’s official documentation.]

Subject [A brief statement that reflects the reason the application is being written.]


The sender is addressed and referred to with respect in this sentence. If there is any doubt as to the gender of the person being addressed, use “Sir,” “Madam,” or both.]

Text in Body

Identify yourself by name and class.

[Explain the application’s justification]

[Related elements like the number of leave days (with dates), the justification for a fee reduction, etc.] [Gently express your appreciation to the principal.

As a final thank you for the principal’s time, consideration, and patience. This makes the letter more suitable and respectful.]

[Yours Obediently, Yours Sincerely, etc.] as a closing line

Name of the Sender and Details [Finish the application by including your name and any other pertinent information, such as your class, section, roll number, and any other information.]

Here are some basic reasons:

  • Leave: The student has the option to request a leave of absence from class in order to attend an important event or spend time with family.
  • Fee Concession: The student may need a fee concession if they are unable to pay the school fees.
  • Transferring to a new stream is an option for students who are dissatisfied with the one they are currently enrolled in.
  • Extension of School Hours: The student could require additional time to finish their academic work and might ask for an extension of school hours.
  • Transfer Certificate for Admission to Another School The student may apply for admission to another school if they feel that their current school is not satisfactory.
  • The student may ask the school administration for a financial loan if they are unable to pay their college tuition.
  • Requesting a Fee Return: The student may request a fee refund if they paid for additional classes or other costs.
  • Contest for paying tuition: Some institutions have a contest for paying tuition in which the top students receive a financial award. If a student believes they have a chance to win, they may request this prize.

Writing an Application to the Principal:

These are some important Factors to consider if you are a beginner and have no idea on How to write an application to the Principal:

  • The text should always be left-aligned.
  • Observe the format exactly.
  • Speak in a formal and respectful manner.
  • Proofread your application to ensure that it is free of grammatical mistakes, has proper grammar, and is organized in a readable way.
  • Include any necessary documentation, such as travel or rail tickets, invitations to weddings, or medical letters.
  • Verify the accuracy of all the addresses, names, classes, sections, etc.
  • Avoid providing any incorrect information or data because doing so could endanger both your application and reputation.
  • Be incredibly succinct and clear with your purpose while expressing it in the application.
  • Recognize that the principal won’t have much time to read a lengthy essay, so be sure to keep your application brief and highlight key points.
  • Always include a statement in your application saying that you are grateful and sincerely appreciative of their time and effort.
  • Submit your application before the deadline to give your principal enough time to review it and respond.
  •  The application should make a clear statement of why it was written. Along with this, full details about the reason, such as the duration of the absence and any requirements for fee breaks, must also be properly stated.
  • The relationship between the child and the letter’s sender should be specified in the application.
  • A sample of a casual leave

Samples of an Application to a Principal

Casual leave application

Write an application to the principal requesting a three-day leave of absence due to an upcoming wedding.

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for Leave from [Start Date] to [End Date]

I would like to draw your kind attention that I am [name of the student], a student in your school’s XI class. I have to travel to Jaipur next week to attend my cousin’s wedding, therefore from [from-to], 20XX, I won’t be able to attend the class. I’ll return on Date, 20XX. I would be thankful if you would give me a three-day leave.

Thanking you

Yours Respectfully

XYZ (Student)

A sample of Fee Concession Application

The Principal

ABC School

New Delhi

Date: 23rd March 2022

Subject: Application for Fee Concession.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I’m writing to let you know that I need a fee waiver because I can’t pay my tuition at this time.

The cost is Rs. 25,000 for the current academic year. If you could give me a charge reduction of Rs. 10,000, that would bring my fees up to Rs. 15,000, I would appreciate it very much.

I’ve attached a copy of my bank statement as evidence that I can’t pay the fees.

Thanking you

Yours Truly,

XYZ (Student)

Medical leave Application

Write an application to the principal requesting a medical leave.

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Medical leave application

Respected Sir/Madam

I would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that I am [name of the student], a student in your school’s Class XII. My doctor has diagnosed me with chickenpox and has suggested complete house rest for ten days. I kindly ask that you give me the requested amount of time off.

The doctor’s medical certificate is attached to this application.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

Write a School Transfer Application

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for a transfer certificate

Respected Sir/Madam

I am [name of the student], a student in your school’s Class IX. With all due respect, I would like to let you know that because of the relocation of my father, I will be unable to complete my education at this institution. I request you to kindly issue a transfer certificate as soon as possible so that I can enroll in a school at the new location of my posting.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

Application leave to the principal for one day

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for One Day Leave

Respected Sir/Madam

I’m a Class X student at your school by the name of the student. I have to take a day off due to a personal emergency, so I won’t be able to go to class tomorrow. I need a leave of absence because I won’t be able to arrive tomorrow.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

An application to transfer a stream:

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for Stream Transfer.

Respected Sir/Madam

 I am [name of the student]. I’m writing to let you know that I want to change my major from science to humanities.

Since I have spent the last two years studying in the Science stream, I believe it is now time for me to look at prospects available in other fields.

If you could give me a stream transfer, I would be very appreciative. Otherwise, I’ll have to switch schools, which can have an impact on how well I do in class.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

Application for the extension of school hours

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for the extension of school hours

Respected Sir/Madam

I’m a Class X student at your school by name of the student. I’m writing to let you know that I’d want to request an extension of the school day.

Every day from 3:00 to 5:00 pm, I’d like to spend an additional two hours studying. I’ll be able to complete the curriculum and raise my grade as a result.

I’ve included a copy of my academic transcript as evidence of my subpar performance.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

Education loan Application to Principal

The Principal

ABC School


14, Month, 20XX

Subject: Application for Education loan

Respected Sir/Madam

I’m a Class X student at your school by name of the student. I’m writing to let you know that I want to apply for a student loan.

Even though I have unpaid expenses, I don’t think that my financial struggles should prevent me from finishing my degree.

I would be appreciative if you could provide me a loan for school so that I can pay for my tuition.

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ (Student)

Application from a teacher to the principal of the school

It’s not necessary to be forgotten for taking a brief leave of absence from work if you’re a teacher. You can use the format provided below to write an application to the principal for the grant of leave if you have an urgent task (family problems or health issues) that requires you to take time off from your teaching duties at the school.

 The Principal

 [School Name],



Subject: Request for [insert dates] of leave.

Respected Sir/Madam

This is to let you know that because my parents are becoming older, they are more prone to get sick frequently. Therefore, it is my fundamental duty as their child to look after their health. My folks’ routine checkups require that I accompany them to the clinic. Therefore, I humbly request that you give me [number of days] of leave.

I’m grateful that you’d give my application your full attention

Thanking you

Yours Faithfully

XYZ [Teacher]

Application to Principal Email Format

The world is leaning more toward technology these days. They communicate the relevant information via emails, which is also a quick process. Although some institutions still require students to write application to the Principal in the traditional manner, you can check the format for an email application if necessary.

To: name@email.com

From: name@email.com

Subject: Application to principal

Dear Mr./Ms/Mrs_(Name of the recipient)

Dear Madam,

The purpose of this application is to inform you that my son (name of student), who is enrolled in Grade (class name and section) at your school, will not be able to attend lessons for (number of days, leave required) starting from tomorrow due to the hospitalization of his grandfather. Since we must be present in the hospital and no one is available to care for him at home or send him to school, we must send him.

I respectfully ask that please grant him leave for the period of (number of days) from (start date) to (end date). I promise that starting this day forward, he will regularly attend classes.

Thanking You

Yours Sincerely

(Name of the parent)

Also read : Travel the world while studying


Writing an application to the principal is simply the beginning of a student’s learning process. These are frequently used applications in a variety of formats, including handwritten applications, typed apps, emails, and even modern Whatsapp messages.

All throughout one’s life, whether it be to a colleague, boss, human resources, college committee, college principal, or any society, trust, or corporation, these applications serve as the foundation for beginning a professional career.

Understanding these formats and the underlying principles is also beneficial since it prevents students from becoming stopped while trying to create an application; instead, it helps them make it a habit and develop abilities that are highly valued in today’s workplace.

In a CBSE school, learning how to write a principal’s application is merely the first step toward bigger, better things in one’s future. Therefore, it is crucial to consider a variety of things when it comes to crafting an effective application that is honest, truthful, and engaging.

Priyanshi Arora

Priyanshi Arora

Priyanshi Arora is a content editor for Healthy life human covering the topics related to health and lifestyle. She believes in having a positive attitude toward life reflects a healthy lifestyle. She has helped many people by providing valuable content related to their daily basic needs. To know more, connect with her on Linkdln.
