
How is mango good for weight loss

How is mango good for weight loss

Mangoes count to be the most delicious fruit globally. It is a tropical fruit mainly found in southeast Asia. Somehow there are more than 450 varieties of mango. Such as Payri, Kesar, Neelum, Alphonso, Hapus, Dasheri, Totapuri & Chausa. However, many mangoes are low in calories, carbohydrates, and fats Also, How is mango good for weight loss?. 

Eating modern mango fruits can make the loss of your body weight more manageable. However, many of us are afraid to eat mangoes because they can increase weight. But this is wrong thinking eating mangoes in such a manner way can never gain your body weight.

Mangoes offer varieties of nutritional values and benefits for health. However, eating limitless mangoes will never give you beneficial results. 

Mango is a summer seasonal delightful fruit. It is one of the most hydrating fruits and is meant to be a king of fruits. However, mango delivers a refreshing feel and sweet taste. 

Globally many people are found to eat Mangoes, especially in summers. People can eat mangoes in sauce, pickles, smoothies, salad, mousse, and many more.

Many antioxidants are present in mangoes which work as a protector from the sun. Moreover, the consumption of mangos can improve skin qualities and bouncy hair. In addition, fights face acne sebum and regulate uneven pores.

Key Benefits of Mango for Weight Loss

  1. Cut Excessive Fat Cells: Mango peel contains a phytochemical in the scientific term called polyphenols. However, it assists in suppressing adipogenesis and reducing fats in the body. These values assist in cutting the excessive fat and shrink your fat cell in the body.
  2. Dietary Value: As we mention, mangoes contain about 81% water. However, it includes dietary fibre, which fulfils hunger and reduces curb needs. As a result, it cuts the natural appetite and keeps away from overeating. Inducing dietary value in the body may assist in lowering the calorie intake.
  3. Carries Lower Calories: Mango carries a moderate amount of carbs and sugar. However, mango is considered a low-calorie fruit. The research found that 100g of mangoes include only 60 Kcal. Moreover, humans have a craving for eating ice cream and sweet dishes. Somehow not eating lots of kcal can replace with mangoes, which assists in taking the lesser calories.

Nutritional Values in Mango

Every fruit has its nutritional values and components. Somehow mangoes include the nutritional value of Vitamin A, C, B6, and K. It includes more necessary components to maintain nutrition in our body. Such as Choline, beta carotene, zeaxanthin, Magnesium and lutein.

Here are some nutrient values and the amount present in one mango:

  1. Water: 81 gm
  2. Energy: 60 kcal
  3. Fat: 0.35gm
  4. Protein: 0.80gm
  5. Sugar: 13.7gm
  6. Fibre: 1.4gm
  7. Vitamin A: 760 IU
  8. Vitamin K: 4.2 mg
  9. Vitamin C: 34.4 mg

While taking care of health we also have notice Dehydration in Adults and Children. Regular noticing the health checkup assists in maintaining the health.

How many mangoes you must eat to lose weight?

When we focus on the average man’s calorie intake in a day, generally, it considers daily calories for men and women.

Men: 2500 Kcal

Women: 2000 Kcal

Afterward, the average consumption of mangoes is 2 per day, which includes approximately 250 to 300g.

Although you have it at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The best time to eat delicious mango for weight loss is breakfast. Eating mangoes in the morning assists in getting more nutrients. Having nutrients in the early morning will assist in recharging energy in the body.

Secondly, you can consume mangoes between the morning and evening meals. Moreover, it keeps you away from eating junk food. Consuming a healthier diet will keep your hunger controlled until the next meal.

People can also consume mangoes before going to the gym or workout. Mangoes carry a lot of Fruitful Vitamins and carbohydrates. It can be a happy source to fulfil nutrition value for you after and before a workout.

After dinner, every person has the craving to eat some sweet dishes. Some sweet dishes carry many calories, which will be bad for your health. Mangoes contain natural sweetness without any artificial sugar. Although, eating a mango before bedtime reduces the sweets craving. Lastly, never consume mangoes after a meal. Always follow a minimum 2-hour gap before and after the meal.

Steps to Eat Mango for Weight Loss

Eating mangoes is the best moment for slices in front of you. However, it delivers maximum fibre to the fruits. 

  1. Mangoes can be added to your bowl of oatmeal
  2. Add them to smoothies for a nutritious breakfast.
  3. Mangoes can have many uses
  4. Incorporated into sweet or spicy salads.
  5. Mix some mangoes with no sugar or sweetener. 
  6. Freeze the mixture in the bowl so that you enjoy the feeling of homemade ice cream.

Note: Do not consume mangoes in the forms of shakes and Aamras However, they both contain added sugars.

Never try the Bad Food Combinations because it can cause many problems for your health.

How Mango Supports Weight Loss ?

Mangoes are a fantastic supply of Vitamin A. Moreover, it keeps your skin and eyes healthier. Mangoes are a rich source of vitamin C that boosts your immune system. As a result, the metabolism system increases the absorption of iron in the body. However, it gives unlimited muscle energy and strengthens bone health.

The fibre enzymes are richly found in mangoes. However, it assists the body in easy digestion and reduces constipation problems. Mango antioxidants reduce gastric inflammation. Additionally, mango antioxidants assist in stopping body cells from being damaged. 

Do not go out of the mango eating limit because it may lead to many problems. Excessive consumption of mango can increase weight, blood sugar, and health.


Mangoes are the king of fruit and an excellent source of different nutritional values. However, eating mangoes can never gain weight in the body. They carry lower calories and create hunger satisfaction. Moreover, if you want to lose weight, kindly avoid consuming 200g of mango daily. We can eat mangoes for breakfast, smoothies, and salads. Eating mangoes improves eyesight, skin quality and strengthens bone and muscles.

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