
Anjeer Benefits : All You Need to Know

Anjeer Benefits

Indians have an indescribable affinity for dry fruits. Dry fruits have many health benefits. There are many types of dry fruits, but today we talk about a very beneficial fruit for health: Anjeer. Many people know about anjeer, Some few hear it for the first time. Dry fruits like anjeer have become an essential part of our daily lives over the years. Figs, also known as anjeer, have a ton of health advantages and are very adaptable. Read on for information on the Anjeer Benefits, advice on picking the best figs, and simple anjeer recipes you can make at home.

What is Anjeer?

A fruit called Anjeer grows on ficus trees. These deciduous trees grow to a height range of 7 to 10 meters. Fruits from Anjeer have a taste flavor and are sweet and chewy. It has a spherical shape, a chewy texture, with some crunchy seeds scattered about. 

The benefits of consuming soaked Anjeer

Soaked Anjeer Benefits

1.Maintains sugar level

Simply place 1-2 anjeers in a cup of water at night and let them soak for the entire day. Eat it first in the morning. Almonds and walnuts are two more soaked nuts that go well with anjeer. Continue reading to learn about the many advantages of consuming soaked anjeer.

The high potassium content of anjeer regulates your body’s blood sugar levels. According to numerous studies, the chlorogenic acid found in anjeer can help reduce blood sugar levels. Consuming anjeer that has been soaked helps people with type II diabetes manage their blood sugar. Chopped anjeer can be added to salads, smoothies, cornflakes, or oats to add this dry fruit to your diet.

2. For the sake of reproductive health

Anjeer is a mineral powerhouse that contains zinc, manganese, magnesium, and iron, which help to support reproductive health. This dry fruit’s strong antioxidant and fiber content guards against hormonal abnormalities and post-menopausal problems. It is also recommended that women with PMS issues eat figs to reduce their symptoms.

3. It Prevents Constipation

Anjeer includes fiber that promotes consistent bowel movements. People who occasionally experience constipation might avoid it and maintain intestinal health by including figs in their diet.

4. Reduces Weight Loss

If you’re on a diet to lose weight, you can also include Anjeer in your food plan. Anjeer provides your body with a healthy amount of fiber, which is necessary for weight loss. Be careful to consume it in moderation because it includes calories, and too much anjeer can have the reverse effect and cause you to gain weight.

5. Strengthens heart health

The antioxidants in figs can lower blood pressure while assisting in the body’s elimination of free radicals. In turn, this can improve heart health by preventing coronary artery blockage. According to some research, figs can also aid in lowering triglyceride levels, which are a significant contributor to heart-related problems.

6. Strengthens bones

Encourages bone health Calcium is abundant in dried figs. To get the daily recommended amount of calcium, the average person needs about 1000 mg. The only source of calcium for the body comes from food, as the body cannot create it. Even though milk is the best source of calcium, we frequently fall short of the established standards. Figs are a good example of a food source of calcium that we should incorporate into our diet.

7. Figs Lower the risk of cancer

Due to their high antioxidant content, figs aid in reducing chronic inflammation and free radical production. Cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are all chronic inflammatory diseases that are brought on by free radicals. Therefore, it is thought that figs can help prevent these long-term health issues.

8. Helps to Treat Insomnia

One of the foods that helps individuals fall asleep is dry anjeer, which is quite good for those who suffer from insomnia. The beneficial effects of tryptophan encourage restful sleep by enhancing the body’s blood circulation.

9.Anjeer helps in pregnancy

Due to the nutritional benefits of anjeer during pregnancy, it is a perfect dietary supplement. This fruit contains vitamin B, which may lessen morning sickness in the first trimester. Additionally, it can assist a pregnant mother experiencing stomach issues. Anjeer benefits both the mother and the foetus during pregnancy. Its calcium stores also protect the bones of the mother while helping the development of the fetus.

Dry Anjeer Advantages

Dry Anjeer benefits

Additionally, dried figs are quite healthy and make a tasty snack.

These are some anjeer benefits.

  • Dried figs include pectin, which lowers blood cholesterol levels. Pectin, like other water-soluble fibres, decreases gut viscosity, which decreases bile acid absorption and increases bile acid production from cholesterol, lowering levels of circulating blood cholesterol.
  • Potassium, which dried figs are high in, helps to control how much sugar the body absorbs after a meal. Large dosages of potassium can aid in lowering blood sugar levels. Additionally, it aids in easing diabetics’ symptoms.
  • Dried figs are a wonderful anti-hypertensive food since they contain a lot of potassium and little sodium.

Some Side Effects of Anjeer

Side Effects of Anjeer

Figs have some disadvantages also. Yes, there is a recommended daily intake of figs that you should follow in order to minimise any potential dangers. To help you get the most out of these healthy fruits, let’s learn about their potential fig side effects.

1. Feeling Slow

A stomach ache and a heavy feeling in the stomach can result from eating too many figs. While individuals who from constipation can profit from it, others may get a sour stomach as a result. Finishing a fig meal with a glass of cold water can help with stomach problems.

2. Swelling

Figs not only give you a stomach ache but also bloating. Figs are high in fibre, so consuming too many of them quickly might cause bloating. Almondy water can help to solve the issue.

3. Sun Sensitivity

While figs are helpful in treating skin cancer and chronic skin conditions, they can also injure the skin by making it more sensitive to the sun’s rays. UV rays are bad for the skin and can cause problems like melanoma and skin cancer as well as premature aging. Skin rashes may also appear as a result. If you routinely eat figs, stay out of the sun as much as possible to prevent skin issues.

4.Calcium Intake

Figs should not be consumed along with foods strong in phytic acid or oxalic acid, such as beans, seeds, nuts, and dark leafy vegetables like spinach and collard greens. Figs contain a lot of calcium. Oxalic or phytic acids, however, may prevent the body from properly absorbing calcium. Lack of calcium can cause other illnesses including weak bones. There isn’t much research on this subject, though. There is a need for more information.

5. Blood loss

According to anecdotal data, warm figs may induce bleeding. Rectal hemorrhage, minor vaginal bleeding, and retinal bleeding can all be caused by eating too many figs. Additionally, hemolytic anemia may develop. Stop eating figs and check to see if the bleeding stops if you experience vaginal or rectal bleeding. If not, consult your physician.

How to Eat Anjeer?

How to eat anjeer benefits

While the blessings of anjeer, or figs, are numerous, you should additionally realize the way to consume anjeer and put them together. For starters, you may consume anjeer uncooked or dried.

Anjeer may be organized in a number of ways:

As for halwa or barfi: Anjeer or figs, act as fantastic binders in Indian candies along with barfi, or halwa. The herbal sweetness of the fig means you may not have any synthetic sweeteners like sugar. To make a brilliant candy dessert, all you need is natural ghee, nuts, and anjeer.

Add it to breakfast cereals like cornflakes, muesli, or oats: Another choice to obtain the benefits of anjeer is to incorporate it into your morning cereals. Breakfast is, without a doubt, a crucial meal of the day, and it needs to be supplemented with dietary content. Adding figs or anjeer to your morning meals will actually increase your fiber intake.

Increase the quantity of anjeer on your baked goods: Are you creating a cake or a loaf of bread? Add anjeer in case you need to obtain the fitness benefits. In addition, you may need to consume them extra often due to their mild sweetness.

Add anjeer into your salads: Toss in some dried figs or roasted or caramelized clean figs together along with your greens, nuts, seeds, and dressing.

Soak dried figs for a single day in milk or water, then consume them first thing in the morning. In your glass of milk, you may get the mild sweetness in addition to more fitness benefits. You can also consume soaked figs for weight loss.

Usage of Anjeer

1. Wet Anjeer 

a. Advice on how to use wet Anjeer.

b. Consume 2-4 pieces of dried Anjeer, or as prescribed by a doctor.

c. Leave them submerged in water in a small bowl all night.

d. The following morning, drain the water and eat the honey-soaked Anjeer.

e. To receive the maximum constipation relief, consume them on an empty stomach.

2. Capsules of fig leaves

a. Take 1 capsule, or as your doctor instructs.

b. To relieve constipation, swallow it with lukewarm water after eating once or twice a day.


Figs are like a treasure chest full of nutrients that will improve the way our bodies work. Therefore, this fruit, which is high in vitamins and minerals, can be either fresh or dried depending on availability. While dried anjeer is a simple, healthful snack that can be eaten at any time, figs have a potent natural flavour. Include them in your daily diet if you aren’t allergic to them, but limit yourself two or three at a time.
