
What is the Average Weight of a 12-Year-Old

What is the Average Weight of a 12-Year-Old

The weight should be appropriate for a healthy life. It varies with the gender too. The average weight of a 12-year-old child should between 67 to 130 pounds. 50% of the child has a weight of 89 pounds. this directly means that if you have 100 children of age 12 to 50 children will be 89 pounds. It is becoming more important because this is the growing age of your child. So, to have a healthy life the child’s weight should be appropriate.

Ideal Weight of 12-year-old boy

The CDC (Center for disease control and Prevention). The average weight of a 12-year-old child should be between 89 to 92 pounds. Although this can slightly vary from boy to girl. The weight generally depends on several factors like parents, your diet, and adolescence. They can have a good amount of fruits, and vegetables, better sleep, several physical activities, and many more like:

12 year old boy

Different Percentile Data Determining Different Weight Health



Percentile Data


If less than 5 percentile

Healthy weight

If between 5 to 85 Percentile


If Between 85 to 95 Percentile


If more than 95 Percentile


Percentile into Pounds weight measurement for Girls


Percentile Weight

Weight in Compounds/ Kg

5 Percentile

67 Pounds/ 30 Kg

5 to 85 Percentile

68 to 112 Pounds/ 30.8-50.8 Kg

85 to 95 Percentile

113 to 130 Pounds/ 51-59 Kg

Percentile into Pounds weight measurement for Boys


Percentile Weight

Weight in Compounds/ Kg

5 Percentile

68 Pounds/ 30.8 Kg

5 to 85 Percentile

  69 to 113 Pounds/ 31-51 Kg

85 to 95 Percentile

113 to 135 Pounds/ 51-65 KG


Percentile Data


If less than 5 percentile

Healthy weight

If between 5 to 85 Percentile


If Between 85 to 95 Percentile


If more than 95 Percentile


Factors Affecting the Weight of Child

This is the growing age of a child. The weight and height will vary. According to BMI, the ideal weight depends on the height of an individual. There are several factors which are affecting weight:

  • Rate of Growth of body 

This depends on several factors like the genes, The diet that a child is taking. Rather than this the physical activities which your child is doing in day-to-day life. 

For Girl Child 

In girls, this is the stage when the girl child started to come into adolescence age. Mostly periods started between 9 to 14 years. This also has some impact on the health of girl child. 

  • Body Composition

This is the body fat and the kind of body the child has. Different child has a different type of body composition. Some have good muscle strength. Whereas some have fatty skin etc. This is the reason for the different weights of children.

  • Genetic Reason

It is one of the most fundamental reasons for the growth of a child. Because the gene gets transferred into them during birth. They can not be changed. Although, it will same in the entire lifecycle of an individual.

There are other habits also like continuous eating habits. Which is also caused by the genes in a child. Sometimes due to genetic reasons, there is a phase when a child has completed this change in the body while the other child has just started to enter this stage. 

  • Body design ad Structure

We know that different bodies need different things. This depends on our day-to-day routine and our body type. Body shape, muscle mass, and frame size are the three important factors that affect the weight of the child.

If a child has a taller body they need to have a high nutrient base diet so that they can maintain the weight too This is the reason the child who is so tall sometimes looks to have lesser muscle health and weight. And most important if the child is an athlete. You should focus on the diet to have a healthy weight. 

  • Diseases

When a child gets sick It is quite easy for the bacteria to attack the body. This is how they can also create a bad impact on the growth and weight of the child. They took the energy which should use for growth and maintain the ideal weight. But if the frequency of your child getting sick is too high there is a high chance to lose weight. Because in that condition body starts to use the stored energy to fight the bacteria. 

  • Surrounding Environment

Our surroundings decide what we actually are. This is not affecting the body but also has a great impact on health too. The community from which we belong to general puberty is not allowing us to have healthy and well-maintained physic.

Ways to Improve Weight Health for 12-Year Children

When the child is at the age of 12 years this is quite important to manage weight. It is not only just about having a healthy weight but also an ideal healthy weight. Which not only ensures to have a good and healthy looking physic but also helps in to have a fit body. This is the most important stage of a child which has a great impact on future health too. So, this is quite important to focus on the health of the child during this stage. Here, are some effective ways to have Ideal weight.

1. Provide a Proper Nutrition Diet

This is an important age for your child. Because at this time the child starts to enter the adolescence stage. There are so many hormonal changes. Because of that, there are so many things like mood swings, changes in behavior, etc. 

2. Give Enough Sleep

Sleeping is the rating phase. At this phase, the child needs to have proper sleep. So, that the body has the proper time to use energy for growth of the body. Enough sleep helps the brain to be free from regular activities. 


3. The Habits to do physical activities

If you want to have a healthy and fit body for your child. You need to build a habit of doing physical activities. Having a habit of doing physical activity not only helps to have a healthy and fitted body but also helps to improve mental health.

4. Avoid Fast  Food

When a child comes to this stage, they usually start with fast food. This is not good if the intake is in high quantity. This is just using the energy of the body to digest the food. And there is no contribution to giving nutrition to the body.

Also Read:  Must know the steps if your child is not speaking

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
