
How to Become a Nun in Bit life

How to become a nun in bit life

You could like to play as a Nun in the Bit Life game. If so, you must have adhere to the conditions for becoming a nun. We will go through what it’s like to be a nun in this game here, along with some further details.

What are monks and nuns?

If you didn’t know, both of these titles refer to someone who has devoted their entire life to doing religious duties. The primary distinction between the two is that although monks are monastic, nuns are a part of the Christian society.

A Nun adheres to a number of vows and oaths that they have made to uphold. One of these oaths is celibacy, which means they promise never to wed and to refrain from having sexual relations. Nuns are just for women, whereas monks are only for men.

About Bit life

In the life simulation game Bit Life, users are tasked with managing a stranger’s whole existence. The free app, created by CandryWriter LLC, has risen to the top of the Apple app store. Bit Life lets users experience things like what would happen if they majored in biology or got arrested for assault using a variety of instructions, random events, and humor.

The gameplay is basic, barely progressing from the popular MUD (or Multi-User Domain) games from the early days of computers. You choose options from a succession of menus, such as purchasing a car or landing a job, and then you determine how old you can live to be.

Bit Life begins when you raised by two parents in an unspecified nation. You can hardly engage with the outside world as a baby; your only choice is to visit the doctor. The world begins to open up as you get older. You can begin spending time with your parents and requesting money from them at the age of four. You start elementary school at age six. At some point, you can begin going to the gym, acquiring your driver’s license, and even dating.

One of the more interesting aspects of Bit Life is discovering your soul partner. Before setting out to meet someone special, the game lets you select your sexual orientation. Finding someone who is attractive, intelligent, and wealthy (and who isn’t crazy) is difficult, but it could be worthwhile. Spending quality time together can result in a long-lasting relationship, multiple children, trips, and cherished memories. It’s both comforting and a little frightening to spend time with your phantom spouse as you approach your golden years.

You’ll have to handle many parts of your life throughout the game. You’ll experience depression if your level of happiness declines. Making poor food and drug decisions might cause your health to deteriorate dangerously. Just like in real life, but with a lot less risk: making wise choices allows you to prosper while hurting uninvited guests can land you in jail.

The Nun in Bit Life

The Nun in Bit Life

Female character

In Bit Life, create a female character if you want to play a nun. You can achieve this by selecting a feminine gender when creating your character. After creating your character, you must mature until you graduate from high school; no other stats are necessary. Just concentrate on growing up and reaching the age of 18.

You must hunt for a Nun job under the Job tab under the Occupation tab after graduating from high school. On your screen, on the bottom left, is the Occupation tab. There are opportunities lists under the Job Recruiter page and above Military jobs when you click on the Occupation category at this point. You must look for the Nun job after finding the Job tab. It’s possible that the Nun job is uncommon. If this occurs with your character, you have the option to age up by utilizing the option on the Main Menu Hub to refresh the Job tab.

You must check the Job tab once your character has aged up a few times before the Nun job shows up. If you discover that it still does not appear, you must age once more before you can locate the Nun employment and become the nun in Bit Life.

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Good Behavior

The second prerequisite is that participants must have led chaste and charitable lives prior to that period. As a result, selecting “good behavior” exchanges will assist players in becoming the Nun in Bit life as a career route.

This entails showing kindness to family members, schoolmates, and any household pets that may exist. Moreover, always decide to be grateful and accept when unplanned things happen, such as the family taking a trip. Do not bite or yell at the parent when receiving vaccinations at the doctor. The likelihood that players will give the Nun career option will be impacted by these interactions.

Chaste Character

The character must also continue to stay chaste in order to become a Nun in Bit Life. Avoid relationships and one-night stands at all costs. This will put a stop to any possibility of players receiving a job offer as a Nun. If the character does not adhere to the lifestyle, they risk losing their employment even after they have already hired.

By opting to major in religious studies at university, players can further ensure that they will be admitted as nuns. Although it is not a must, having this increases the chance of the hiring of the players. Once they graduate from college, players can also apply for the position.

Instructions to Play Bit life

When you initially start BitLife, the main menu with the options “New Life,” “Cemetery,” “Settings,” and others will appear.

[Insert picture from the main menu here.]

It may play by tapping “New Life.” You will have the choice between starting a “Random Life” or a “Custom Life.”

[Insert image of name thingy here.]

You will now notice this.

[Insert picture here.]

  • Childhood 

Your character (“you”) is currently in the Infant stage whenever there is a formation of a new life. The program first lists your character’s parents and their professions, birthdate, star sign, mode of conception, siblings, and any pets they may have. Your character will begin with a set of stats that are chosen at random, with happiness and health typically being very high. The “Age” button, which is visible in the center, must be pressed to give your character an extra year of life.

  • Schooling

You will start elementary (or primary) school at age 6, marking your entrance into the student stage. Depending on the country, you’ll start high (or secondary) school when you’re between the ages of 10-15. Following the September 2019 school update, characters are now able to engage with teachers and fellow students as well as join clubs, activities, cliques, and sororities/fraternities in nations where they exist.

  • Adulthood

Depending on where they are from, a character will graduate and obtain a driver’s license if they haven’t previously. They can take time off, pursue higher education, find employment, or enlist in the military. If they decided to pursue further education, the stage of their life will indicate that they are a student, unemployed, in their current work, or in the military, if they took time off. If a character has a part-time job but is unemployed full-time, the part-time job will appear as their stage. They will list their student status or work or military position if they are employed part-time but are not unemployed.

Since many activities require a character to be 18 or older regardless of nation, adults have more options in the Activities.

While the legal drinking age is 18, characters must wait until they are 25 to adopt, get a vasectomy, have their tubes tied, or have IVF. They can, however, use birth control as early as 14.

How do I finish Hard-Knock Nun Challenge in Bit life?

Players must perform the following tasks in the game in order to finish the BitLife Hard-Knock Nun Challenge.

  • Join the nuns
  • Rob 3+ homes
  • Rob two or more automobiles
  • Kill at least one person in a drive-by shooting and then practice meditation

Your first objective is to train to be a nun. You must start off as a female character to complete this. You must then advance through the years until you are at least 18 years old. It is notable that this activity requires choosing a female character. After you turn 18, the option to become a nun will show up under the Occupations section. Wait for it to finally appear if it does not appear right away. As long as you’re patient, you should most likely get it, so remember that.

You now have to commit a number of infractions. You can accomplish each of these tasks in the Crime section of the Activities menu. When robbing a house, you might have to finish the mini-game. The mini-game is not tough to complete, so you should have no trouble completing this step of the BitLife Hard-Knock Nun Challenge.

You may also need to murder someone in a drive-by along with stealing cars. One thing you must make sure of while doing these crimes is that you meditate afterward. After the crime, you’ll need to meditate to keep from being caught. The game has a meditation option under the Mind and Body tab. You should be able to complete the BitLife Hard-Knock Nun Challenge once you’ve finished these challenges.

Regarding Jobs at BitLife

According to the BitLife Wiki, jobs in BitLife are several types of work that pay characters at various income levels. Some vocations in the game have the potential to develop into incredibly lucrative careers in BitLife. Even though salaries for jobs vary, some of them call for more education and specific training.

Some careers can quickly acquire social media followers and money after achieving a specific “breakthrough.” Typically, if you want to work in the medical area, you need a Ph.D. The location of where you reside and consistent preparation are key factors in choosing a career. Moving abroad may require you to start a new career.

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The game that never ends it is called BitLife. BitLife is the game for you if you want to become a very successful serial murderer or a nun or rich beyond your wildest dreams, also this is all you can incredible experience in Bit life.

Priyanshi Arora

Priyanshi Arora

Priyanshi Arora is a content editor for Healthy life human covering the topics related to health and lifestyle. She believes in having a positive attitude toward life reflects a healthy lifestyle. She has helped many people by providing valuable content related to their daily basic needs. To know more, connect with her on Linkdln.
