
Digital Process Automation: How it Benefits Companies

digital automation process

With digital business automation, organizations can capture critical data from documents and proactively manage that content. Transforming it into something usable and valuable within your processes and, like the bees that go from sunflower to sunflower, robotic process automation software lets you easily retrieve and move data between various systems’ functions.

What is digital process automation?

This is the use of technology to automate a complete process. One common use case is onboarding. For example, bringing on a new employee involves many steps, which are repeatable and require lots of paperwork for a large organization. The process can be time-consuming and inexpensive. But the digital process automation can streamline everything, allowing for onboarding at scale and finally the automation of repetitive tasks without great added value. Does your organization have any process steps or activities that can be automated?

How do automation processes work?

Sunflowers are strikingly simple to the eye. In reality, an automatic, highly orchestrated machine, that can, the sunflower, teach us about digital business automation. This is the nature of tech sunflowers. They have a son, seeking or heliotrope, a cat that follows the light it is all day long, day after day.

This movement is automatic. That’s the same as organizations that automate business logic to become as consistently responsive to customers as the sunflower is to sunlight. Sunflowers absorb light water and carbon dioxide, transforming them into energy. And the oxygen we breathe continues its cycle of growth into new vibrant blossoms and seeds.

It doesn’t detract from it. It serves to augment and ensure every flower’s performance at peak efficiency. Just as digital business automation ensures you can streamline business operations and orchestrate complex workflows. That’s digital business automation and this is the nature of tech.

Digital Process Automation’s Advantages

Traditional procedures must shift away from standardization and toward ad hoc and contextual responses in order to provide your clients with omnichannel engagement. Organizations must organize their complicated operations through automated processes in order to supply services based on automation.

Achieve your digital transformation goals

Business process optimization is essential for digital transformation and innovation. You could have the most attractive website in the world. But if the processes that follow after a user clicks on it, from order management through delivery, do not match that fantastic experience, the customer will go. As a result, digital process automation is an important component of enhancing consumer experiences and achieving digital transformation. You can’t win, service, or retain clients without it.

Because your company’s procedures and people are only as good as its people’s, both must develop to support digital enterprises.

Low-code and process management products can handle all of your demands as you move toward building a digital business. Allowing you to make better decisions with faster, smarter actions and automate the customer journey across systems and teams. While controlling your processes and giving highly customizable functionality to fulfill all process automation demands. These solutions meet the strict technical standards of mission-critical applications.

Improve customer experiences by making them more complex and intuitive.

Organizations can use digital process automation to develop more sophisticated and intuitive customer journeys that use their data, systems, and API investments. Digital process automation’s integration features allow data from all channels to flow smoothly. Also, deliver the knowledge and insights you need to succeed.

Collaborate with people from all parts of the company

Developers are experienced and challenged with technology limitations that make delivering consistent customer experiences across digital channels difficult. They are frequently forced to hard code business logic into each particular channel, resulting in inconsistent consumer experiences and maintenance challenges. Developers can use digital process automation to provide simple interfaces for all client touch points while also connecting them to enterprise-wide operations.

Another challenging issue in digital transformation is effective collaboration between IT and business teams, which can be overcome using digital process automation. IT and business teams can co-document, curate, and share processes using a common process language. Then automate them, guaranteeing that business and IT goals and processes are aligned, resulting in a more agile, nimble organization.

Reduce your operating costs

Despite the fact that cost reduction is not the primary goal, many users of digital process automation continue to achieve cost savings. The beauty of digital process automation is that cost savings are accompanied by better client experiences. Customer experiences are typically quicker and more transparent as a result of cost-cutting efficiencies.

To boost innovation, free staff from routine activities.

Because digital process automation relieves employees of daily tasks. It allows knowledge workers and employees at all levels of an organization to concentrate on more creative tasks. Instead of spending time onboarding a customer, an employee can now spend time thinking about how to improve the onboarding process.

Legacy systems can be made more responsive by adding a layer of flexibility

The fear and discomfort of having to replace legacy technologies are one of the most significant barriers to digital transformation. Digital process automation technologies, on the other hand, can wrap legacy systems in a process-centric application layer that empowers staff and boosts agility. Allow them to improve client experiences without sacrificing what they already have.

What are the benefits of digital process automation?

Organizations can use digital process automation to gain the speed and information they need to automate business activities holistically. It enables you to control the flow of data across your organization. Making it easier to spot areas for improvement and implement quick, agile changes, which are critical in today’s digital environment.

BPM, on the other hand, concentrates on tasks, whereas digital process automation affects the entire organization. There are numerous advantages of automating digital processes:

  • Also, Improving the customer experience
  • Making the transition to a fully digital organization
  • Traditional infrastructures are transforming into flexible, responsive systems.
  • Digital process automation also lowers expenses and allows personnel to focus on innovation rather than manual activities. It also brings IT and business together so that their goals and actions are perfectly matched, resulting in a far more agile organization.

Why automation process is important for businesses?

Today’s IT leaders must enable speed and agility by bridging today’s technology platforms while ensuring compatibility with new modern digital. This is digital business automation at the intersection of rapidly changing software-defined infrastructures, massive and volatile data, and constantly evolving applications.

It tackles your digital transformation challenge head-on with the next wave of adaptive IT automation capabilities. Also allows you to respond quickly and completely to business priorities while accelerating business growth.

DPA Examples

DPA (Digital Process Automation) enables businesses to automate various common processes. It can automate tasks involved in customer onboarding, which includes initiating background checks, entering data into multiple applications, generating login credentials, setting up accounts, and sending a welcome email. Automating these tasks can streamline the customer journey, leading to an improved customer experience.

Similarly, DPA can help automate various background processes involved in procurement, such as copying data between ERP and ordering systems, entering data into tracking systems, and automatically entering invoicing data into finance systems after a following order has been placed.

Furthermore, DPA has the capability to automate numerous backend procedures linked to the placement and delivery of new products. Leading to a shipping approach that prioritizes the needs and preferences of customers. This includes estimating fulfillment and delivery times, calculating local taxes, generating a shipping manifest, tracking the status of an order, and confirming receipt of a package by the customer.

BPA vs. DPA 

Workflow automation in business process automation (BPA) is achieved through the use of digital process automation, business process modeling, business process management, and BPMS tools. However, industry experts have noticed a shift away from using the terms BPM (Business Process Management) and BPA (Business Process Automation) to describe a specific approach to enterprise automation.

This means that instead of using these specific terms. There is a move towards a more general approach to automation, which can include a variety of tools and techniques. This shift is likely due to the fact that the traditional approaches to BPA and BPM are becoming less relevant. As organizations seek to adopt more flexible and agile approaches to automation. Instead of focusing on a specific tool or technique, businesses are looking for ways to automate their processes. That are adaptable to change and can be easily integrated with other systems.


People often confuse the terms robotic process automation (RPA) and digital process automation (DPA). RPA involves creating software bots that mimic human interaction with software, which can automate high-volume and repeatable tasks such as queries, calculations, record-keeping, and transactions. RPA is relatively easy to deploy on top of existing applications and is intuitive for business users to implement because it works similarly to how they interact with apps.

DPA Wide tools enable the development of automated process platforms at a faster pace. As they come equipped with powerful process modeling and orchestration capabilities. Along with low-code tools that one can utilize by both business users and IT governance capabilities to some degree. AgilePoint, Axon Ivy, Creatio, JobRouter, K2, Newgen, Nintex, and Ultimus are the major DPA Wide vendors.

Businesses can create intelligent process automation (IPA) capabilities by combining both RPA and DPA with artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tools. By leveraging these technologies, companies can automate complex processes and tasks, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

How To Implement DPA 

To start automating processes within a business, managers or business users should first identify the processes that they want to automate. They can use process mining tools to automatically identify and prioritize automation opportunities.

Next, IT or automation center of excellence (CoE) teams should coordinate with them to evaluate whether DPA, RPA, a dedicated cloud service, the best fit for the automation project.

It’s also important to ensure governance by involving security and privacy teams in the process. They can work with the IT and management teams to vet the DPA tools and identify any risks associated with particular automation.

It’s recommended to start with small automation implementations and scale them up over time. To build confidence in the automation process and generate excitement about its potential benefits, teams should start with simple processes that can deliver short-term ROI. Once these initial efforts start to pan out, organizations can begin planning a hyper-automation strategy to help scale the process of implementing more automation.

Digital Process Automation Tools

To understand DPA tools better, Forrester has categorized them into two types: DPA Deep and DPA Wide.

Industries with strong process requirements, such as banking, insurance, and healthcare, best suited for DPA Deep tools, which are ideal for building long-running processes. These tools build on traditional business process modeling practices and case management capabilities. Representative vendors for DPA Deep include Appian, Bizagi, Bonitasoft, Genpact, IBM, Kofax, OpenText, and Pegasystems.

DPA Wide tools, on the other hand, offer greater suitability for rapidly developing automated process platforms. These tools have strong process modeling and orchestration capabilities, low-code tools that are usable by business users, and some IT governance capabilities. AgilePoint, Axon Ivy, Creatio, JobRouter, K2, Newgen, Nintex, and Ultimus are the leading DPA Wide vendors.

Using DPA tools, it is possible to combine low-code/no-code workflows with RPA, AI, machine learning, and business rules engine capabilities to create more complex workflows. They may include automation capabilities, notifications, or application development tools.


That isn’t all that digital transformation involves. It’s a chance for innovation to grow and for forwarding momentum in the digital world. IT executives must rethink their approach to IT automation. It’s difficult to make the switch to digital business. IT leaders are challenged to provide new alternatives and capabilities to the lines of business. They serve in order to gain a revenue competitive edge and improve operational excellence.
