
Dhanora: India’s first Smart Village

Dhanora india's first small village

The first intelligent village in the state today is Dhanora. A small settlement in the Chambal region of Rajasthan that was once without proper roads, sanitation, or drinkable water. A little village located 248 kilometres from Jaipur in Rajasthan’s Dhaulpur region. As of around 2000, this village was no longer as it had been; it was devoid of basic amenities including water and power, metalized roads, sewage facilities, a proper training system, and employment. But once Dhanora became the first Smart Village in India, all of this changed.


The Smart Village project aims to improve a village’s social, cultural, physical, and financial conditions. The idea is to increase the sustainability and self-sufficiency of settlements. Retrofitting, Redevelopment, Greenfield, e-Pan, and Livelihood are the top 5 areas in a village where change can be focus. The avoidance of herbal resources is given consideration, as is global human improvement.


Dhanora, located in the Dholpur district, is the first intelligent village in Rajasthan. Dhanora is situate right in the middle of sandy ravines with limited vegetation in the Chambal region. But before to 2014, this hamlet was without roads, drinkable water, or sanitation. And it was plagued by issues like encroachment, unemployment, and poverty.

But if we look at the present, Dhanora has undergone a complete transformational smart village. Roads that were once plagued by various types of trash are now immaculate and covered in lush vegetation. In addition, there is no open defecation anywhere in the village. The town has everything, including solar lights, pucca dwellings, talent improvement centres, meditation hubs, and a public library.

e-Pan added the village towards the relaxation of the arena via net connection, sun energy that gave uninterrupted power to the village, colleges with computers, and public libraries.


All of it began when the villagers decided to take charge of making a lasting difference. Through mohalla and nukkad meetings, a significant awareness campaign was start throughout the hamlet. The people’ enthusiasm made it possible for the ideas to materialise.

  • As a result of increased unity and peace, the District Police has designated the hamlet as a “Crime Free Village” because there are no open police reports there.
  • The village is becoming an alcohol-free community.
  • A village without open defecation.
  • The state of Rajasthan has adopted the smart village concept.
  • Village recognised for development by Rajasthani government.
  • A hundred nearby villages took inspiration from Dhanora’s smart village and joined the “Soch Badlo Goan Badlo” initiative for rural transformation in India.
  • Infrastructure development is part of redevelopment.
  • Greenfield, a development focused on the environment
  • E-Pan, an acronym for electronic planning, e-learning, and communication.
  • Livelihood to provide education and training so people can earn

Eco Needs Foundation

The Eco Needs Foundation, with the assist of the locals, and the kingdom authorities of Rajasthan, made this a opportunity for Dhanora village, beginning first with enhancing the street conditions.

Fast ahead to 2016, Dhanora village were given a brand new existence. The Eco Needs Foundation followed the village and kickstarted the Smart Village project. However, Diverse efforts have been made towards sustainable improvement. It includes sanitation, right housing, avenue reconstructions, getting right of entry to solar energy and easy consumption of water, tree plantation, water conservation, amongst others.

Under Greenfield projects, new regions within the village had been advanced for centers like waste disposal, waste water control plants, tree plantation.

Developments done to make Dhanora a smart village

Building Roads

Villagers, together determined to extend the roads of their vicinity and for that they even needed to element with their ancestral lands and demolishing their pucca homes for widening of roads. For instance, From the preceding width of 8-10 feet to 20-25 feet. Now widened “GAURAV PATH” has turn out to be a image of rural development. People committed their private money, time and efforts to result in those changes.

Open Defecation Free

The largest problem referring to the village changed into open defecation. Sensitization campaigns had been release to train human beings approximately the significance of cleanliness and hygiene and the development of bathrooms changed into prioritized. However, Through network participation, volunteering and collective fundraising, quickly each residence in Dhanora had a toilet. The village has present day sewage centers with Sewage remedy flora duly maintained with the aid of using the villagers themselves.

Water Conservation

One of the most important successes of this tale consists of the improvement of a water conservation gadget that works on an artificial 3kms lengthy canal which has been connect with eight percolation tanks. Overall groundwater recharge takes region via those structures, along with Nallas. Approximately 97.forty nine million liters of water is being recharge withinside the village land each year. A sewerage remedy plant has additionally been built and the dealt with water is reused for irrigation purposes.


To expand the destiny technology of the village, ‘Utthan Bhavan’ network centre turned into mounted thru crowd-funding, in which he has opened Utthan Coaching Institute, a aggressive exam training center, ready with Wi-Fi and broadcast facilities.Therefore, To sell e-learning, the village faculty turned into ready with computers. The village is operating to installation a committed talent improvement center, rural improvement schooling center, and dairy plant, etc. An open public library turned into additionally mounted to sell studying and inculcate accurate values in children.

Some different traits additionally came about right here over those 4 years. Similarly, All the ‘kutcha’ houses had been convert into everlasting systems and had been paint vibrantly.A 30-feet-tall stone front became constructed at the doorway of this village to mark it because the image of rural improvement.

All this made it feasible for Dhanora village to open itself to the relaxation of the united states and the world. Now, in case you had been to go to this village to peer how a version clever village appears like, you will have get admission to to a network centre from in which you may get all of the information. Reaching the village isn’t always an difficulty now, and there’d be all of the simple services one wishes to revel in a destination.

Certainly this metropolis is an thought for lots and couldn’t had been viable with out the willingness of the population and their collaboration.


Dhanora, a small settlement in Rajasthan’s Chambal region, has emerged as the first intelligent village in the state. Previously lacking basic amenities like roads, sanitation. And drinkable water. Dhanora underwent a remarkable transformation when it became the inaugural Smart Village in India.

The Smart Village project aims to enhance social, cultural, physical. And financial conditions in villages, focusing on areas like retrofitting, redevelopment, greenfield initiatives, e-Pan. And livelihood. Issues like encroachment, unemployment. And poverty once plagued Dhanora, situated in the Dholpur district.

However, the village has undergone a complete overhaul and now boasts well-maintained roads covered in lush vegetation, as well as improved sanitation facilities that have eradicated open defecation. The village has embraced solar energy, enabling uninterrupted power supply. And features facilities such as talent improvement centers, meditation hubs. And a public library.

Issues like encroachment, unemployment. And poverty once plagued Dhanora, situated in the Dholpur district. The foundation spearheaded the Smart Village project in 2016, focusing on sustainable development encompassing sanitation, housing, access to solar energy, water conservation. And more.

Dhanora’s success story includes significant developments like road expansion, achieving an open defecation-free status through sensitization campaigns and the construction of toilets, water conservation through artificial canals and percolation tanks. And educational advancements such as the establishment of a coaching institute and a public library.

These efforts have not only made Dhanora a model smart village but have also inspired neighboring villages to join the rural transformation initiative. The village’s collaboration, dedication. And unity have led to recognition by the Rajasthani government and designation as a crime-free and alcohol-free community.

Dhanora’s transformation serves as an inspiration, showcasing the potential of community collaboration and marking a significant milestone in rural development. The village now stands as a symbol of progress, providing essential services and becoming an inviting destination for visitors.
