
Top 10 High Demand Medicinal Plant in India

Demand Medicinal Plant in India

Demand Medicinal Plant in India

India has an end of Nemours of agro-climatic zones. However, it controls more than 22000 varieties of plants. 

In the present time, cure for problems has become highly demanded. Every plant has its properties which have therapeutic properties. 

India is the most popular country in developing medical practices such as Ayurveda, Unani and Homoeopathy. However, India is one of the most incredible countries globally in exporting medicinal plants.

Therefore, we have all faced the Covid-19 scenario in which the world suffered greatly. Facing a crucial period, the world is scrambling to discover a cure. 

Globally many health experts have advised on boosting the immune system. As a result, the medicinal plant arrives as a saviour.

What are the Top Demand Medicinal Plant in India?

The organic farming practice of medicinal herbs is increasing rapidly worldwide. The herbs have a good export potential. Growing, processing and selling medicinal herbs is a better opportunity for the farmers. However, medicinal herbs are also considered for commercial cash crop cultivation. Any individual with empty land and irrigation source can start this business. Medicinal herbs are commercially growing crops that have a large scale in the international market. 

Somehow it becomes difficult while segregating the plant with its valuable properties. Afterwards, we mentioned a list of medicinal plants in India.

Holy Basil (Tulsi)

Tulsi has excellent germicidal, fungicidal, antibacterial and antibiotic properties. However, it is the best cure for fever, cold and respiratory diseases as well. Tulsi includes many valuable nutrients such as Vitamin A and C, Calcium, Zinc, Chlorophyll and iron.

Aloe Vera (Gheekumari)

Antioxidants are organic immune boosters that support the body from diseases. Aloe vera works as a shield defence against free radicals. Suppose you are suffering from a low immune system. However, routine consumption of aloe Vera juice will assist in improving immune health.

Marigold Flower (Gene ka Phool)

This healing plant not only treats ulcers and intestinal issues. It is the best aid for burns, acne, and blemishes.

Parsley (Ajomd)

This medicinal plant is full of nutrients and components which are healthier for our health. The therapeutic properties can assist with flatulence and bad breath. So don’t only consider it as decoration on your plate.

Sage (Rishi)

This plant is mostly used to treat mouth and throat inflammations.


The annual calendula flower is indigenous to the nations of the northern Mediterranean. It is primarily used as an antiseptic to treat small cuts and wounds. Antimicrobial quality treatment for patients with weakened immune systems.

Fenugreek (Methi)

The leaves and seeds of methi or fenugreek. It is essential in each Indian household. Nearly all Indian food preparations contain it. Fenugreek seeds are known to be a high source of steroidal saponins. It inhibits the absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. Therefore, it assists in maintaining lower cholesterol levels.

Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

Ashwagandha is referred to as Indian ginseng. However, It provides a lot of health advantages. It has valuable medical benefits for your body. Such as Cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and others, have also been successfully treated with it.

Chrysopogon zizanioides (Khus)

Khus is an effective treatment for disturbance of sleep. Additionally, the phosphorus and calcium in Khus. It can be quite helpful in avoiding injury to the bones.


Natural sweetener Stevia has gained popularity because of the need for low-carb. It is a low-sugar dietary option that has increased.


The Ajwain plant resembles money plants in appearance and grows in bunches. The lovely ridges on the leaves of the ajwain plant must be regularly trimmed. They can withstand direct sunshine and proliferate. Ajwain or carom seeds’ antibacterial and anti-inflammatory characteristics help heal stomach conditions, including peptic ulcers, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, and lower cholesterol levels.

Also read: Comfrey Plant: Benefits and Precautions

Most profitable Demand Medicinal Plants in India?

Medicinal plant farming has become the most trending revenue generator for the farmer. In addition, aromatic herb plants are being used in Ayurveda medicines. Therefore, many Medicinal Herbs Buyers in India buys plant.

  1. Dabur
  3. Patanjali

If we talk about herbal medicinal plant buyers, there are endless. 

Trending Herbs and Aromatic Plants

These herbs and aromatic plants may be unskilled to city consumers. They deliver life-changing revenue-generating for certain farmers.­­

  1. Aneesh
  2. Kuth 
  3. Kutki
  4. Karanja
  5. Kapikachhu
  6. Shankhapushpi

Herbal Industry in India

Since ancient times we have used plants and herbs to heal ourselves. However, In Indian region carries excellent herbs and natural remedies for a cure. Planting at home is a good initiative for us. Similarly, it surely assists families in curing diseases.

Herbal medicine keeps your body fit without having any drawbacks. At present medical science has become advanced. Therefore, modern medicines use many living organisms like crabs, frogs, leeches, goats, etc. 

However, Herbal medicine is made of herbs and plants, which is eco-friendly. Moreover, it is a good option to have medicinal plants at home.

Therefore, we don’t know when you might need them. Moving forward herbal medicinal industry becomes the leveraging industry.

According to the Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers Organisation of India (AMMOI).

Location: Kerala Forest Research Institute at Peechi

India’s market size is around ₹5 billion. Although, as per the growth estimate in Ayurvedic Medicine, it will increase by 16 billion by 2026.

Increasing demand for the herbal medical plant will increase the economy as well. 

However, raw material plants can be grown and harvested in a few periods. A medicinal tree needs a minimum of 10 years for harvesting.

Demand Medicinal Plant in India to Grow at Home

Aloe Vera

This is a very suitable plant. For home also because it can grow well inside the roof. Compounds in the leaf of this plant have anti-inflammatory properties that speed up the healing of skin tissues. Peel the leaves and squeeze the jelly-like substance. 


It is one of the easiest herbs to grow; it can be grown on pots, like full sun, and tolerates most soil. This is mainly beneficial for digestive problems. 

Lemon Balm

This herb is like full sun and well-drained soil. Please keep it in a container, so it does not spread throughout the garden. 


It needs full sun and prefers sandy or rocky soil. Boil the leaves, and let cool; it can be used as hair rinse (for hair).


It is like full sun to part shade and does best in well-drained soil. Chop the dried flowers and use them as a tea for indigestion. 


Lavender is easy to grow in full sun and well-drained soil. The scent of lavender can also reduce anxiety and help you sleep better. 


Sage is a popular culinary herb in stuffing chicken and pork dishes. It needed full sun, and we drained the soil. Sage’s antimicrobial properties may relieve cold symptoms. 


Thyme likes hot, dry conditions. It is easy to grow in full sun. In addition, Thymes’ antimicrobial activity may help relieve cough and cold symptoms. 


This is also known as the French pot marigold. However, Likes full sun and full moisture. Pour one cup of boiling water into two teaspoons of petals. Steep for ten minutes, strain, and let cool. Use it as a mouthwash or a gargle to relieve inflammation. 


Basil needs full sun and well-drained soil. It is used in different dishes. However, Basil has antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Crush a few leaves and apply them to mosquito bites to relieve itching.  

Demand Medicinal Plant in India for taking care of lungs

Clearing mucus, COPD and killing viruses:

Taking care of the lungs is essential for anyone focusing on improving their overall health because when excess mucus is present. Moreover, it can cause difficulty breathing, and those feelings of shortness of breath are very discomforting. The good news is that there are several natural herbs tha studies have shown to contain potent therapeutic properties, which are beneficial for the lungs and respiratory.


Ginseng is famous for its potent antioxidant properties, which work well in fighting inflammation. This is beneficial for the lungs and all the internal organs in humans. Studies find that ginseng is providing a boost to the immune system also.

The most important benefit of ginseng is that it is beneficial for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Therefore, It is also beneficial in COPD, the third leading cause of death in the United States. So, It affects far more people than we can realise also. 

The studies also found that people who have stable COPD and are taking ginseng experience improved breathing and lung functions. Although, ultimately leads to a better overall quality of life. This is important to note that there is no cure for COPD but traditional medicine. However, herbs such as ginseng can provide some relief to the symptoms. 

Osha root

The root of this herb contains several components that can boost your lungs and respiratory system. Especially it helps increase blood circulation to the lungs, which, in turn, helps improve oxygenation throughout the entire body. 

Osha roots also have antihistamine properties which work well for soothing sinus infections and other respiratory illnesses. An example includes cough, sore throat, bronchitis, and common colds. 

A few drops of Osha root concentrated Osha root extract that can provide a boost to the lungs and respiratory system. Especially it helps increase blood circulation to the lungs, which, in turn, helps improve oxygenation.


At present, the manufacturing of herbal products has increased. Herbal manufactured products have become the most preferable in society. Medicinal herbs are commercially growing crops that have a large scale in the international market. 
