
Agneepath-You Must Know Everything About

Agneepath Scheme

Safeguard serve Rajnath Singh on Tuesday revealed the “Agneepath” conspire which expects to change the military. “Under the Agneepath scheme, Indian young people would offer an opportunity to serve in the military as Agniveers,” Rajnath Singh stated.

The Agnipath plot was brought to reinforce India’s security, he added. The ‘Agnivirs’ will get a decent compensation bundle and a leave retirement bundle following the help of 4 years, the protection service said. Our work is to give a young profile to the military through the rollout of the Agnipath enlistment plot.

This move arrives in a bid to slice the expanding pay and benefits charges, Amid main pressing issues, the move will unfavorably affect the impressive skill, military ethos, and battling soul of the more than 14-lakh strong military. Lt Gen Anil Puri while explaining the plan said that Agniveers would be a piece of this future-prepared fighter.

“Agniveer would be India’s young defender. In the wake of being with us for quite a long time, an Agniveer’s resume and biodata will be exceptionally special. He’ll captivate everyone with his mentality, his abilities, and the time he would’ve enjoyed with us,” he added.

About The  Agneepath Scheme

About The  Agneepath Scheme
About The  Agneepath Scheme
  • Agnipath is considered a Pan India merit-based enlistment plot for selecting fighters, pilots, and mariners.
  • The arrangement gives an entryway to youth to serve in the standard structure of the military.
  • Every one of those enrolled under the ‘Agnipath’ plan will be call an ‘Agniveers’.
  • Agniveers will select for a help term of 4 years including the preparing period.
  • Following four years, just 25% of the Agniveers will hold or re-enrolled in the customary unit in view of legitimacy, ability, and clinical wellness.
  • They will then, at that point, serve for a full term of 15 extra years.
  • The initial four years, served under an agreement, are not liable to thought about for the obsession of the last pensionary benefits.

The other 75% of Agniveers will ground, with an exit or “Seva Nidhi” bundle of Rs 11-12 lakh, mostly financed by their month-to-month commitments, as well as ability testaments and bank credits for help in their subsequent vocations.

Age Limit Of Agniveers In Agneepath

Agniveers will get select in the age furthest reaches of the 17.5 to 21-year age hole.


Competitors will automatically selected under the particular help representing an assistance length of 4 years. Concentrated straightforward screening appraisal in light of legitimacy and shown execution during administration. 100 percent of competitors can apply on volunteer premises to sign up for the ordinary units. The first meeting will begin 90 days from today.

Salary In Agneepath

Salary In Agneepath
  • Agniveers will be given Rs 30,000 every month. Rs 4.76 lakh is the pack that it starts with. 4 It will increment to 6.92 lakhs in the fourth year.
  • Risk/difficulty stipend and Income charge absolved.
  • Following 4 years, Agniveer can chip in.
  • For all Agniveers who accomplish suffering, full installment of unserved administration years will be given.
  • The plan will prompt better fight readiness through the determination of the best with a thorough and straightforward choice cycle.

Seva Nidhi

  • Up to 25% Agniveers to be chosen as a standard unit in light of focal, straightforward framework following four years.
  • 100 percent of applicants can apply on volunteer premises to sign up for the customary framework.
  • They will be qualified for grants, awards, and protection covers like the customary unit of fighters, pilots, and mariners.
  • Corpus of Rs 10.04 lakhs in addition to accumulated interest absolved from Income Tax, following four years.

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Seva Nidhi

Financial Package Of Agneepath

  • Passing Compensation
  • Non-contributory disaster protection front of Rs 48 lakhs.
  • Extra Ex Gratia of Rs 44 lakhs for death inferable from the administration.
  • Pay for unserved segments up to four including the ‘Seva Nidhi’ part.


  • Specialists say that one of the greatest difficulties defying India’s tactical modernization is the safeguard financial plan.
  • In 2020, India’s guard spending plan remained at around $72.9 billion, while that of China added up to about $178 billion.
  • “The one single difficulty for India’s condition is that finance consumption for a labor boosted Indian armed force, in particular, is skyrocketing,” he stated.
  • $7 billion doesn’t buy a lot of military modernization nowadays,” Karnad made sense of.

What Government Says About Agneepath

The public authority says the Agnipath plot is pointing toward diminishing the compensation part in the income use and the benefits bill, Which together records generally 50% of the yearly safeguard financial plan of Rs 5.25 lakh crore, and subsequently increment the assets for military modernization


  • The plan has drawn in a great deal of fire from many filling in as well as resigned officials, who stress it requires seven to eight years to turn into a completely prepared battle-prepared fighter, pilot or mariner.
  • “It will prompt insufficiently motivated and prepared military professors, who will become risk-averse because the majority of them will pursue second professions after four years,” a serving official stated.
  • Added another official, “The fundamental ethos of Indian troopers rotates around ‘Naam, Namak and Nishaan’ (notoriety of his contingent or ‘paltan’, devotion and ensign or tones).
  • They battle against practically unconquerable chances, as they did while moving up the Kargil levels in 1999.
  • A present moment or authoritative business will affect this battling soul.”
  • Only a few days had passed since the announcement that The youngsters took to the streets to demonstrate against it.
  • As is customary, some protests became violent. Torched public property But the most important question here is Why is this scheme so divisive?
  • Why are people so angry about the Agneepath Scheme?
  • Why did the government implement this plan?

What was the point of bringing Agneepath?

  • This programme has three advantages, according to the government. They may think of three reasons why the Agneepath Scheme has implemented.
  • The first stated to keep the military’s age balance.
  • The average age of officers in the Army now is 32 years. However, if this approach will follow, more than half of Army members will remain young, lowering the Army’s average age.
  • The Indian Army would then primarily made up of young people. Although this might also viewed as a negative. Because they will be inexperienced.
  • The government’s second advantage is that the military’s pension burden would lowered.
  • The current defense budget is 5.25 trillion dollars. 1.2 trillion of which has spent on pensions.

Amit Cowshish, A Defense Analyst

  •  Wages and pensions presently consume 55% of the military budget.
  • If we compare the whole amount of pay and pension granted to a soldier for his 17-year service to the money that will be spent on an Agniveer, we will save around 115 million.
  • So, under the existing system, Army officers are eligible for a variety of pensions. And the administration wants to reduce it. The government will not have to pay pensions for as many people if they recruit Agniveers instead of troops under the existing programmes.
  • The government would then be able to save a significant amount of money. The money will subsequently be used to modernize the military, according to the administration.
  • It implies that instead of spending money on pensions and wages, they’ll spend it on new weaponry and technology.
  • It isn’t just done in India. The United Kingdom cut its Army strength by 12% in 2012.
  • According to reports, the United States is planning to eliminate 40,000 army positions. China has reduced its military force from 2.5 million to 2.3 million soldiers.
  • They also intend to downsize it to one million soldiers and spend the savings on contemporary technologies.
  • If you want to save money, Why aren’t politicians’ pensions, MPs’ and MLAs’, being reduced?
  • If a politician serves as an MP or MLA for a single term, They are entitled to a lifetime pension.
  • Why? Politicians should also be Agniveers.
  • They should serve as MP or MLA for a period of five years. and then wish them to go, with no pensions.
  • They, too, should hunt for other employment.

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With the Agnipath plot close to two years really taking shape, the 11.78 lakh solid Army has been wrestling with a labor supply crunch, Because of enrollment of jawans through enormous revitalizes and camps staying suspended apparently on the grounds of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Army had enrolled 53,431 and 80,572 jawans through the assemblies in 2018-19 and 2019-20 preceding they were suspended.
