
Best Rear Delt Exercises For Toned Shoulders

Rear Delt Exercises

Ironically, one of the least-known muscles is also among the most crucial to train. We’re talking, of course, about the delts in the back. Here are tips for Rear Delt Exercises

The muscle is located on the shoulders back located on the back of your shoulder; the deltoid muscles are essential to safe and optimal strength training. The deltoid muscles in the back play a crucial role in the stability and mobility of the shoulder.

Furthermore, strengthening your rear delts does more than strengthen your shoulders; it also increases your performance on other upper-body exercises, such as those of Bent over Row and T-Bar Rows. In the end, it’s essential to incorporate additional exercises specifically targeting the rear delts during your exercise routine.

Table of Contents

Tips for Strengthening the Rear Delts

Start by doing the most effective exercises for the rear delts. Next, follow these strategies to maximize the effectiveness of Rear Delt Exercises:

•        Check them out. If you can do it, try touching the delt on the back using the other arm as it is working. “You should feel the muscles flex on the back of the shoulder. This is when you know you’re in the right place.

•       Opt to work with lighter weights. “Keep in mind that the greater weight you’re doing, the more you’ll require the larger muscles, such as the rhomboids and traps.

•       If you are looking to build muscle mass, do exercises for your delts in the rear 3 times a week. The rear delts must be worked on.

Importance Of Rear Delts

The deltoids that surround the rear are an important muscle group that many people tend to ignore. Their importance lies in the fact that they provide stability to the movement of the shoulder, neck, and spine, as well as the shoulder.

However, this isn’t all they can do. Here are some reasons to concentrate on educating your rear delts for greater results.


Strengthening your shoulders, especially those in the rear delts can help keep your shoulders tucked back and lower, encouraging a more upright standing posture during the entire day. This is especially beneficial for those who spend most of their time at their computers or desks.


When it comes to exercises that require stability, like Overhead Presses, Your rear delts are the muscles that are involved. The strengthening of these muscles can help you achieve greater control over other exercises that require compound. Achieve more range of motion and decrease the chance of injury.


In addition, developing your rear delts will assist in not only your overall shoulder strength as well as the upper back muscle fibers as secondary muscles. This is because they help create equilibrium between the various components of your shoulder.

The best illustration for this would be when you are trying to improve the look of boulder shoulders.

It’s not enough to work on your lateral delts since there is an angle only. It is also necessary to work behind the delts in order to achieve the best results.

Identifying Weak Rear Delts

At this moment, some of you are thinking, Atulya , I don’t need to build the rear muscles. I’m a regular participant in shoulder exercises such as Overhead Presses.”

If this is the case, then your rear delts may be in desperate need of attention.

Shoulder Posture: While using a mirror, look at your shoulder posture. Shoulder rolls forward means that weak rear delts cause rounded shoulders.

Lack of Definition: Compared to the other muscles of the shoulders, think about the definition and mass of your rear deltoids. Less developed or defined than middle and front deltoids may mean weak rear delts.

Shoulder Function: Be mindful of your shoulder function during exercises like rows, pull-ups, and presses. Difficulty engaging rear deltoids or feeling tension in them while performing such motions implies weakness.

Limited Range of Motion: Particularly when engaging in external rotation or abduction of the shoulder joint activities, notice any restrictions or discomforts in your shoulder range-of-motion. For these directions, weak rear delts might restrict mobility.

Strength Discrepancy: Compare how strong are you other muscles within the complex that encompasses shoulders with your back deltoids’. If there’s a great difference in terms of strength level between them this suggests weakness in the back deltoid.

Fatigue and Soreness: How do your rear deltoids respond to exercises which focus on them specifically? If for instance you get persistent soreness or fatigue quickly from these exercises compared to other muscle groups it could be due to their weakness.

Exercises for Rear Delts

 Dumbbell Reverse Fly for Rear Delt Exercises


rear delt

      • Sit with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold dumbbells in each hand.

      • Bring your hips back, and then move forward from the lower waist until the torso is level with the ground. Your arms should hang straight downwards, with your with your palms facing one another.

      • Keep your back straight and engage your abs; keep an incline at your elbows as you extend your arms towards the sides until they’re at the level of your shoulders. Press your shoulder blades into each other towards the top of the motion.

      • Slowly reverse the motion and return the weights to their starting position, and then repeat the process for each rep.

        Resistance Band Face Pull

        How To Do Face Pulls Correctly And Safely [Videos FAQs] The White Coat Trainer | estudioespositoymiguel.com.ar

        • Attach a band of resistance to an upright point a few inches over your head.

        • With your back to the anchor point, grasp the band using an overhand grip. Keep your hands approximately six inches from each other.

        • Retract your steps away from your anchor and keep your arms stretched out in front of you until you feel a sense of tension in the band.

        • Maintaining your back straight with your elbows elevated. Then, pull the band towards your face. Stop when the band reaches your nose.

        • Repeat for a total of reps.

          One-Arm Dumbbell Row for Rear Delt Exercises

          Bent-over dumbbell row - New Life Health Center

          • With a dumbbell in your right hand, put another hand onto a bench or a stability ball in front of you. Move your left leg back in a straight line, then extend your left leg a little. Lean your chest forward while making sure that your back remains straight.

          • Keep your elbow straight, and bring the dumbbell up to your ribcage.

          • Release your arm and repeat.

          • Equal reps are done for both legs.

            Inverted Row
            Inverted row

            • Put a bar into the rack to waist-high and lay on the floor beneath it.

            • Utilizing an overhand grip, grasp the bar using two hands that are slightly wider than shoulder width. Then hang by extending your arms completely. Your shoulders should lie directly beneath your hands, while your feet must be about hip-width apart. This is the best starting position.

            • Maintain your body in a straight line from the head to the heels, And then pull your chest up to the bar, then stop for a moment before reaching the end of your movement.

            • Then, slowly lower your arm until it is fully stretched and repeat the process for as many reps as possible.

              Flip fly in bench for Rear Delt Exercises

              • With a set of dumbbells, lie on the stool or stability ball. While your feet are lying flat on the floor, you can hinge your waist to lean slightly forward and then place your dumbbells behind your calves with palms in front of the other.

              • By bending slightly to the elbow, lift your arms and then stretch your shoulder blades while keeping your palms facing towards the floor.

              • Relax your arms and repeat.

                Dumbbell Bent-Over Row

                Bent Over Dumbbell Row for Back Width & Strength | A Lean Life [2023]

                • Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in each hand.

                • Involve your core muscles, pull your hips forward, then move forward from the lower waist till your body is equal to the floor. Relax your arms towards each other.

                • Maintain your back in a straight line and your shoulders straight; press your shoulder blades while you lift the weights to your shoulders.

                • Pause and then lower the weights back to their starting position. Repeat for reps.

                  Pterodactyl Fly for Rear Delt Exercises

                  17 Best Rear Delt Exercises For Bigger Shoulders (And Better Posture) - BoxLife Magazine

                  • Two light dumbbells are placed by your sides; take the long, runner’s stance posture, putting your bigger leg in front, your torso swaying forward, and creating an unison path from the back towards your head. Keep your back leg straight.

                  • Keep your body still with the palms of your hands looking upwards, then slowly move the dumbbells straight towards the sides until they’re in line with the floor. Squeeze your shoulders together.

                  • Lower the dumbbells down to the ankle’s sides and repeat.

                    Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row

                    Dumbbell Chest Supported Row: Your Easy Guide to Good Form

                    • Make an incline bench 45 degrees.

                    • Take a set of dumbbells and walk towards the bench while pointing your body towards the angle of the pad, then lean on the bench. Place your feet on the floor and let your arms dangle straight down, with your palms in front of each other. This is the ideal starting point.

                    • Press your shoulder blades into each other and then push your elbows towards the ceiling, lifting the dumbbells into your ribcage.

                      Post Delt Fly With Resistance Bands for Rear Delt Exercises

                  Take the handles of the resistor band and take an arm-width stance, with both feet firmly in the middle of the band to hold it.

                      • Switch handles between two hands so that the hands cross.

                      • Then bend your knees a bit and pivot your hips until your back is in line with the floor and your back is straight. (If required, you need to spread your feet out to increase the tension on your band.)

                      • While keeping your body and your torso still, lift the handles as high as you can directly toward your sides while keeping your hands’ backs towards the ceiling.

                      • Lower the handles to the lowest point and repeat.

                    Dumbbell Y-T-I Raise for Rear Delt Exercises

                    Lay face down on the bench or stability ball with a dumbbell in each hand. Your arms should be towards the floor with your palms in front of one another.

                        • While keeping your head in a neutral position while keeping your head in a neutral position. Raise both arms 45 degrees in order to create the “Y” shape. Pause briefly. Then, you can lower the weights to the original position.

                        • The weights are then lifted again, but this time. Straighten them toward your sides in order to create the “T” shape, palms with your backs. Take a moment at the top before dropping the weights.

                        • Then, take the weights off by extending them straight ahead of you in the “I” shape, palms in front of each one. Please take a moment to hold them and then lower the weights.

                        • Repeat the entire exercise for your desired amount of repetitions.

                          Dumbbell Arnold Press for Rear Delt Exercises

                      You can stand or sit down with your feet hip-width apart, holding a dumbbell with each hand.

                          • Maintaining your back flat your with your core engaged, pull the weights until shoulder height, with hands facing you. This is the beginning position.

                          • Maintaining the weights at the same level as you move your arms towards the sides. So that your palms face towards the front of the room and then press the weights to the ceiling.

                          • In reverse, bring the weights back to their starting position. Repeat for reps.

                        Bodyweight Cobra on Stability Ball

                        Lay face down with your stomach on a stability ball with your legs in front of you. Your feet should be bent to help support your weight on your toes.

                            • With your eyes directed towards the floor, spread your arms forward towards the front to create a “Y” shape.

                            • Reach both arms out to the sides and then pull them in behind while you raise your chest and then turn your gaze to the ceiling. Then, both arms are behind you, your thumb pointed towards the ceiling.

                            • Then, reverse the motion to return to the starting point and repeat. Use weights to increase the intensity of the exercise.

                          Read More: Straight Arm Pulldown
