
What Does Bible Say about Masturbation

what does bible say about masturbation

We all are confuse about some things in our lives, and we do not have the correct information about them. So, we just live in misinterpretation for a long period of time. One of these things is masturbation. Do we have sufficient information about this and things like that? Some people say this is a sin. But, how do we agree to believe anything? Let’s take a look at what bible says about masturbation.

Here in this article, I have explained this topic very deeply so you can understand and know the required information about it. Hence, it first comes to sin, then we should take a look at the holy book Bible. We should have to know what Bible says about masturbation. Does the bible say that masturbation is a sin? Let’s just walk through this.

Does the Bible condemn the practice of masturbation?

The world is full of people in all the countries all over the world including males and Females.

maximum of them are involved in a sexual activity called Masturbation. This activity can’t be avoided by anyone who comes to a certain age of maturity. And almost all of the people are involve in it. Some people prefer not to say or talk about it because they consider it a type of sin. So, they just try to keep it private and prefer not to say a single word regarding this. Hence, the exact answer is no. Bible don’t address masturbation as a sin. Then, what does bible say about masturbation?

The Bible doesn’t address a word exactly about masturbation. That means, we can’t conclude till now.

Then why do people say that bible considers masturbation as a sin? This is because of some bible believers. They are so vocalized and very negative about it. And almost a lot of people follow these believers. So, they think that all of these things are condemned by the Bible. You can see the quote below taken from Bible:

It may be begun in earliest infancy, and may continue through life. Even though no warning may have been given, the transgressor seems to know, instinctively, that he is committing a great wrong, for he carefully hides his practice from observation. In solitude he pollutes himself, and with his own hand blights all his prospects for both this world and the next

Is masturbation really a sin According to Bible?

Let’s see what Bible says about masturbation. Masturbation is not really a sin because it is just a sexual activity that comes with a certain age in both males and females. It is just an adulterous desire and imagination that can help both men and women to gain or improve their sexual desires. Because sex is for two people and masturbation is for one. So, if someone can’t fulfill their sexual desires. Then masturbation is the activity that can help them seek their sexual desires outside of their marriage.

Is Masturbation Safe For Teenagers according to Bible

If you are thinking, what does bible says about masturbation in the case of Teenagers, masturbation is the best activity to satisfy their sexual needs. But, a lot of teenagers stay confused about it. They don’t even know if it is safe or not. So, they just stuck in the decision of this activity. But who are involved in this, some of them stay depressed by thinking that it is a sin and they just keep doing it. They think that they are breaking the laws of God. But as I already mentioned above, God don’t even mention anything about it. So, again it is not really a sin.

Furthermore, not all Teenagers think that masturbation is a sin. These Teenagers just masturbate at their desire time, and it improves their sexual urge, imagination, sexual desire as well as their sexual needs. Masturbation also has a lot of health benefits for Teenagers, and it also improves their maturity. Do you know about these benefits? Let’s just have a look at them.

Bible address Health Benefits of masturbation?

Since Bible didn’t address exactly about masturbation. So, you may get that it also doesn’t have a specific statement about health benefits of masturbation. But we have mentioned below some scientific benefits of masturbation.

Scientific Health Benefits of masturbation

But Besides Bible, Masturbation scientifically has a lot of health benefits that improves well-being. We have already heard a lot of crazy things about this. But is this all true? You are confused about masturbation thus you don’t know all information which you must gather around. Further, this is the main reason why I am writing this section in this article So that you can know all about this.

A lot of things people say like masturbation makes you infertile, it shrinks your genitalia, and it will addict you once you start masturbating. again, you hear that masturbation is unhealthy. An exact answer will be “No”. Masturbation also improves health benefits both physically and mentally. It is also the safest sexual activity anyone could do for their needs. You won’t be pregnant as well as you won’t get an STD (sexually transmitted diseases).

Masturbation also reduces pain. When you will have an orgasm, your body release endorphins, these hormones just block the pain which your body is experiencing, and they will help you feel relax and good. These hormones get released by the body when you are having sex or an orgasm.

Masturbation also releases your sexual tension, reduces your stress, improves your sleeping power or you can say it helps you sleep better. It Enhances your body language and your self-assurance. Also, the treatment for sexual problems and helps relieve menstrual cramps and muscle tension. It helps strengthen muscle tone in your pelvic and anal areas.

So now you know that masturbation has no direct relation to the bible. All these discussions regarding sin are just misconceptions of some people. In thus, we don’t need to connect the bible directly with masturbation.

How much Should we Masturbate

Some people often masturbate every day or once a week or more than once a day. Some people think about why they are masturbating and if it’s right or not. But, it’s perfectly fine if you masturbate more or if you never masturbate. It just only becomes too much when it affects your job, your responsibilities, or even if affects your social life. If anything like that happens then you must talk to a counselor.

How Bible Believers Think About Masturbation

As I already mention, bible believers are so vocalized and negative about it. We can see the example of the victorian-era physician John Harvey Kellogg. He invented cork flakes. also, write a book titled Plain facts about sexual life in the year 1877. John Harvey Kellogg explained three chapters that are namely causes, consequences, and cures of masturbation. He termed them as self-abuse, self-pollution, and a secret vice. Further claimed that masturbation is the most dangerous of all abuses.

He also claimed that masturbation is the reason for many types of illnesses like Cancer of the Womb, Urinary Diseases, impotence, epilepsy, dimness of vision as well as mental and physical debility. Again, he writes that masturbation can be responsible for so many physical maladies that martial sex cannot. According to him, masturbation can drive people out of their minds.

In the insane asylums of the country may be seen hundreds of these poor victims in all stages of physical and mental demoralization.

Dr. John Kellogg also categorizes male nocturnal emissions as a consequent disease of masturbation. He writes that the masturbator doesn’t know anything about this, and he continues this process all the time.


So, what we get through all of this? Can we conclude what does bible say about masturbation? Masturbation is not really a sin. It depends on the mindset of people because the bible in general doesn’t list sins specifically. also, it doesn’t specifically mention things like that. Further, doesn’t list every Cust word. God doesn’t give us a list of every sexual sin that is out there. Because people are creating new expressions of sin so it is completely impossible to list every single sin.

Also, the two main categories that God give us in terms of the word sexuality are. Every sexual act and all sexual activity with your husband is helpful, and all sexual conduct outside of the Covenant of marriage is bad.

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Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh

Sneh Singh is a content writer with a passion for both reading books and writing about health and lifestyle-based information. He has a deep understanding of the latest health trends and he is knowledgeable about a variety of lifestyle topics. He uses this knowledge to craft engaging and informative content that provides real value to the readers. His style is approachable and he strives to make complex health and wellness information accessible to everyone. For more info, you can visit his linkedIn profile.
