
Difference between Atherosclerosis and Arteriosclerosis


A common ailment called atherosclerosis arises when a sticky substance called plaque accumulates inside your arteries. The most common reason for death in the US is a condition related to atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis affects almost 50% of Americans between the ages of 45 and 84, yet they are unaware of it.

Arteriosclerosis has a particular subtype called atherosclerosis. The accumulation of lipids, cholesterol, and other chemicals in and on the artery, walls is known as atherosclerosis. The accumulation is known as plaque. Atherosclerosis can constrict the arteries and obstruct blood flow.

The main Difference between Atherosclerosis from arteriosclerosis is

In a nutshell, arteriosclerosis is an age-related condition that obstructs the artery wall. In contrast, atherosclerosis is a medical condition where plaque build-up affects the artery lumen. Most often, uncontrolled cholesterol and fat levels in the body cause atherosclerosis.

What are the signs of Atherosclerosis?

Most atherosclerosis symptoms do not manifest until a blockage has occurred. Typical signs include:

Chest pain or angina pain in your leg, arm, or anywhere else that has a blocked artery fatigue confusion, which happens if the blockage affects blood flow to your brain loss of motor or sensory function on one side of the body, which happens if the blockage affects blood flow to your brain muscle weakness in your legs due to lack of circulation cramping in the buttocks while walking.

Additionally, it’s critical to understand the signs of a heart attack and a stroke. These two conditions, which can both be brought on by atherosclerosis, need to be treated right away.

What are the Symptoms of a Heart attack?

  • chest discomfort or agony
  • shoulder, back, neck, arm, and jaw discomfort
  • abdomen ache
  • breathing difficulties, sweating, and lightheadedness
  • vomiting or nausea a feeling of imminent doom

What are the Signs and Symptoms of a Stroke?

  • facial or limb numbness or weakness
  • Speech difficulties Speech understanding difficulties Vision issues
  • sudden balance issues and a big headache.

Why does Atherosclerosis occur?

Blood has difficulty traveling through arteries to the rest of the body when plaque accumulates and causes them to harden and swell. This stops the oxygenated blood that your organs and tissues require to function from reaching them.

The following are typical reasons for artery hardening:

  • High triglycerides
  • A waxy, yellow chemical called cholesterol can be found in your body naturally as well as in some foods you eat.
  • Your arteries may become blocked if your blood cholesterol levels are too high. It hardens into a plaque that limits or obstructs the flow of blood to your heart and other organs.

Which Diet follows to cure Atherosclerosis?

Eating a balanced diet is vital. The American Heart Association (AHA)Trusted Source advises that you adhere to a general healthy eating routine that places an emphasis on:

  • a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and dairy products, as well as
  • poultry, skinless fish, almonds, and legumes
  • Vegetable oils that are not tropical, like olive or sunflower oil

Additional Diet advice helps to cure Atherosclerosis

Steer clear of pastries, candies, and other meals and beverages with added sugar. The American Heart Association advises most women to have no more than 6 teaspoons or 100 calories of sugar daily, and most men should consume no more than 9 teaspoons or 150 calories.

Don’t eat anything salty. Aim for a daily salt intake of no more than 2,300 milligrams. It would help if you tried to limit your daily intake to 1,500 milligrams.

Eat less food that contains bad fats, such as trans fats. Replace them with healthier unsaturated fats instead. Reduce saturated fat to no more than 5 to 6 percent of total calories if you need to lower your blood cholesterol Trusted Source. Regarding a diner.

When to See a doctor for a patient with Atherosclerosis?

Speak with your healthcare practitioner if you believe you have atherosclerosis. Pay alert to any early signs of decreased blood flow, such as leg pain, numbness, or chest pain (angina).

Early detection and treatment can halt the progression of atherosclerosis and stop a heart attack, stroke, or another medical emergency.

What are the risk elements of Atherosclerosis?

The arteries gradually become harder. Atherosclerosis risk factors include aging. The following are other factors that could raise the risk of atherosclerosis:

  • Early heart disease in the family
  • Unhealthy eating
  • Diabetes
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • High triglycerides
  • Lack of exercise High levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a sign of inflammation
  • Obesity
  • Slumber apnea
  • tobacco use, including smoking
  • Complications

Which arteries are obstructed or constricted depending on the complications of atherosclerosis?

Cardiovascular Disease

You may develop coronary artery disease, which can result in chest pain (angina), a heart attack, or heart failure if atherosclerosis narrows the arteries near your heart.

Carotid Artery Disease

Carotid artery illness Your risk of developing carotid artery disease increases when atherosclerosis narrows the arteries leading to your brain. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) or stroke may result from this.

The disease of the peripheral arteries

Peripheral artery disease, which affects blood flow in the arms and legs, can develop when atherosclerosis narrows the arteries in your arms or legs. Your sensitivity to heat and cold may decrease as a result, which could increase your risk of frostbite or burns.


Aneurysms are a significant problem that can develop anywhere in the body and are also a result of atherosclerosis. Most aneurysm sufferers are asymptomatic. An aneurysm may cause pain and throbbing, which is a medical emergency. However, A ruptured aneurysm may result in internal bleeding that poses a serious risk to life.

A renal disease that is chronic

The kidney arteries may narrow as a result of atherosclerosis. Although, These arteries are constricting, which prevents enough oxygen-rich blood from getting to the kidneys. However, To assist filter waste materials and eliminating extra fluids, the kidneys require enough blood flow.

How to Prevent Atherosclerosis?

The same healthy lifestyle modifications that are advised for atherosclerosis treatment also aid in its prevention. These alterations in way of life can support healthy arteries:

  • giving up smoking
  • eating nutritious food
  • doing regular exercise
  • being healthy in terms of weight
  • monitoring and keeping a normal blood pressure
  • sustaining optimal blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

How is Atherosclerosis handled medically?

To reduce the quantity of fat and cholesterol you consume, you must alter your existing lifestyle. Moreover, Increased activity can help your heart and blood vessels function better.

As a starting point for treatment, your doctor might advise lifestyle modifications. You might also require extra medical care, such as prescription drugs or surgery.

Who is susceptible to atherosclerosis?

You’re at risk for atherosclerosis due to a variety of causes. While some risk factors are modifiable, others are not.

family background

Atherosclerosis may run in your family, putting you at risk for artery hardening. However, This illness, along with other heart-related issues, can be inherited.

poor exercise

Your heart will benefit from regular exercise. It promotes blood and oxygen flow throughout your body and maintains the strength of your heart muscle.

You run a higher chance of developing a number of illnesses, including heart disease, However, if you don’t exercise.

Increased serum pressure

Your blood vessels can be harmed by high blood pressure because it makes some of the weak. Moreover, Over time, cholesterol and other compounds in your blood may reduce your arteries’ elasticity.


Your heart and blood vessels can become damaged if you smoke tobacco products.


Coronary artery disease is substantially more common in those with diabetes.

What are the side effects of atherosclerosis?

  • heart disease
  • chest pain
  • irregular heartbeat stroke

What alterations in way of life can treat and prevent atherosclerosis?

Atherosclerosis can be prevented and treated with lifestyle adjustments, especially for those with type 2 diabetes.

  • Adopting a healthier lifestyle can help:
  • eating a balanced diet reduced in cholesterol and saturated fats
  • eliminating greasy foods
  • substituting fish for red meat twice a week in your diet
  • Get at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 75 minutes of strenuous exercise.
  • giving up smoking and keeping a modest and healthy weight if you smoke managing stress and addressing atherosclerosis-related disorders such as hypertension, high cholesterol, sleep apnea, obesity, and diabetes.

Takeaway soon

With treatment, your health may improve, but it may take some time. However, Your treatment’s outcome will be influenced by:

How severe your condition is?

how quickly it was treated and whether it also affected other organs

Atherosclerotic hardening cannot be reversed. Making a healthy lifestyle and nutritional adjustments can help slow down the process or stop it from growing worse while also treating the underlying problem.

Make the necessary changes to your lifestyle in close consultation with your doctor. However, They’ll assist you in locating the best meds to treat your condition and prevent side effects.
